BoomerBob wrote: 
> My Squeezebox BOOM has not been working properly for several days here
> in N. CA
> "Can't connect"  I can unplug it and try is fine as it
> connects thru my wifi ok and then "connecting"....NOPE!  Nothing
> Repeat and after several attempts it will work again........BUT it is
> very slow to respond.  Must wait 15 to 60 seconds to get a
> response...all menu items...slow.
> Hope they replace the hardware for my area soon.
> BOOMERBOBI did notice that in order for my radios to come back to life I had 
> to
do a factory reset. Perhaps there was some networking stuff cached that
couldn't heal on its own with a reconnect. Even after the first radio
was up and running for a day, I went to work on another one and it
couldn't be persuaded to connect correctly.

Once I did the factory reset, the second radio connected right away to
MySqueezebox and worked fine.

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