After years of no problems, last week my 4 SB Radio’s keep disconnecting
from my network.  I also have a SB Touch, and that never gets dropped
from my Network. 
I’m using Google WiFi, and thought that their recent s/w update was the
problem, but tried an eero and same problem. 
I had my LMS on a Mac-mini, and thought that may be the problem. I’ve
been wanting to move to a pCP, so did, same problem
Only a re-boot reconnects. 

Interference from neighbors, as suggested here might be the problem. 

Another thought —. Since pCP can be configured as a WAP, and has channel
selection, is this a possible fix, or would the fact that the pCP would
still be connected to the Google WiFi still cause issues.   

I don’t mind trying a new router, but which one?

  SBTouch ♪ SBRadio ♬
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