Many of us use 'ncat' and other Windows apps to keep track of our
radios. However, on three occasions here, connections have been lost on
nearly all radios, with no ncat messages showing any disruption. This
occurred because Windows froze ncat because I had wrongly clicked on its
window at some point.

By default, clicking inside the ncat window freezes the console window
ncat uses for display, and, left unnoticed, ncat eventually holds off
incoming messages, which in turn, holds off 'nc' (netcat) on the radios
as they report an outage recovery, which in turn holds off the
'wlanpoke' mitigation script. At some point, the radios lose their
connections. With the connection down, nc never finishes, and the script
is stuck waiting for an event that will not happen.

The inadvertent blocking is caused by Windows "Quick Edit Mode," which
allows text selection in a 'console' window without using the system
menu Edit | Mark (or ^M) to freeze the display. This is highly
undesirable for an app that is intended to monitor real time events.
Ncat uses a Windows console for its input and output.

If you notice no messages for a while, look for a solid block cursor or
selection in the ncat window. If present, the console window is freezing
ncat while waiting for a mouse selection. Click in the window and press
Esc to unstick ncat, let the old messages roll, then go unstick your

To prevent these accidents, disable Quick Edit Mode: From the ncat
window, click the upper left title bar icon to open the system menu,
then select Properties to open the console Properties dialog. Click on
the Options tab. Under Edit Options, uncheck "Quick Edit Mode," then
click Ok to close the dialog and apply the settings. You can still make
a selection using the system menu. Make sure ncat is not frozen when you
are done.

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