stevedresden wrote: 
> ... a deflector shield could work! ...
> I assume that the "Resets:7" is the sign that it dropped and was
> reconnected by wlanpoke 7 times overnight? ... 
Any shielding that reduces the interference could help. My radio in the
center of the basement rarely drops out. 

You are correct: the report shows 0 quick and 7 full resets. A couple of
your full resets are taking a while to restore the connection. This is
likely because of the rather poor signal level of -70 dbm, perhaps
causing the dhcp process to miss transmissions from the router. (Also,
the report, 4065 seconds (~1.1 hours) after the last reset, showed a
data rate of only 1 MB/s, which frequently occurs just before the
connection fails.) Try to improve the signal level to better than -60
dBm. Even so, your radio's rate of 7 dropouts in ~17 hours is still
quite modest, compared to others who experience 8-12 per hour. Here,
increasing the signal level improves the recovery time, but does not
affect the dropout rate very much. 

You might try the quick reset method enabled by default in the
development branch. Otherwise, you could reduce your full reset
threshold from 6 to, say, 2 or 3 (your gaps indicate just 13 single ping
failures, and zero 2 ping failures, so a limit of 2 would speed things

You may want to unsynchronize this radio to prevent music gaps in your
other radios. I have the 4 most-affected radios here synchronized for
testing, and they experience frequent several-second gaps.

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