Food for thought: none of the icons of our community had to go through
any sort of certification to get to where they are now. All they had
to do was to share their work and knowledge, and the recognition they
got came from that.

That's why I question the need for any of this. Because none of this
was necessary to get us to where we are now. That, and the hippie and
me who thinks that gateways of any such kind only help the

I'll reiterate what others said: contribute and show the world what
you can do. Because if you can't do that at all, then there's hardly
helping one's cause.

ps: I know both ideas aren't mutually exclusive. I just think that the
notion of a certification gets eclipsed to pointlessness when compared
to the ability to 1) write truly amazing software, and 2) share it.

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Josh Price <> wrote:
> On 21/02/2010, at 9:24 PM, Bodaniel Jeanes <> wrote:
>>  If certification provides a
>> milestone for learning developers to work towards then we get good
>> applicants to jobs as a side effect anyway.
> I think the most useful aspect of any kind of certification is exactly as
> you put it: a milestone.
> Once upon a time in a land far away I studied for a Java certification. It
> never really got me any jobs to my knowledge, but provided a useful goal for
> my self-study, and a mildly satisfying checkpoint at the end.
> Also I absolutely agree that any certification must have the backing of the
> community.
> J
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