Is there any bandwidth hog on those switches by any chance?

On Fri, 2019-06-07 at 18:16 -0600, Michael Newton wrote:
> Hi all, we manage about 200-300 Brocade ICX switches across a number
> of locations. All but two are being successfully polled. The two in
> question (same firmware and a similar config to the others)
> consistently show "end of run not found" when run as part of the cron
> job. But, when run manually for troubleshooting, everything seems to
> work.
> `sudo -u rancid flogin switchname` works fine and logs me into the
> switch.
> `sudo -u rancid flogin -c 'show version;show clock' switchname`
> likewise works fine. Logs in, runs the commands, and logs out.
> `sudo -u rancid rancid -t foundry -d switchname` runs through
> everything perfectly. The file has the expected
> output.
> Yet the log for the automated process consistently shows this:
> switchname: End of run not found
> end
> Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot this? Thanks in
> advance!
> Mike
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