Thanks for sharing this!  TIL!

Chris Gauthier Senior Network Engineer | Comscore
t +1 (503) 331-2704 |
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Piegorsch, Weylin William" <>
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 2:03 AM
To: Jean Benoit <>
Cc: "Gauthier, Chris" <>, Michael Newton 
<>, Vacheslav Zouhairy <>, 
"" <>
Subject: Re: [rancid] Unable to figure out "end of run not found"

> you can even put redirects

That's a neat trick!!!  I'll have to remember that one; thanks!


On 6/17/19, 5:27 PM, "Jean Benoit" <> wrote:

    On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 09:05:13PM +0000, Piegorsch, Weylin William wrote:
    > I actually don't use the semicolon.
    > Not sure if this is bash specific, sh specific, or posix general, but
    > without the semicolon it sets the global environment variable only for the
    > duration of that command following the variable definition, and unset it
    > upon returning control to the cli. See also your "export" comment, which
    > has correlating implications regarding environment vs namespace vs scope.
    > But I'm not an experienced programmer, and don't pretend to grok the
    > various nuances, benefits, and pitfalls known by those who actually know
    > what they're doing, so if using the semicolon is better I all ears.

    You are right: ; is not necessary.

    NOPIPE=yes rancid -d -t type devicename

    is is a perfectly valid syntax according to POSIX Shell Grammar Rules.
    It works with bash, dash, ksh, zsh and other shells.,1,pVeiRZ33eh0bANTtrPcyWLXgDYYcEhv1fVgAMKs-rqhpxiQGGKwtaHnc1ENunuBCFwIl6XJo0fGwJdkcHgduuUt2gpDkO7h_-c4J99skKxG0vy0,&typo=1
    see "simple_command" syntax and rule 7, which defines "ASSIGNMENT_WORD".

    simple_command   : cmd_prefix cmd_word cmd_suffix
                     | cmd_prefix cmd_word
                     | cmd_prefix
                     | cmd_name cmd_suffix
                     | cmd_name

    cmd_prefix       :            io_redirect
                     | cmd_prefix io_redirect
                     |            ASSIGNMENT_WORD
                     | cmd_prefix ASSIGNMENT_WORD

    You don't need the ; and you dont need export, and you can even put
    redirects, as long as assignments are before the command.
    Example :
    XYZ=foo </tmp/x >/tmp/y A=1 B=bar mycommand myarg


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