Maa mamak,Mak Sjamsir jo sanak sadonyo,
        Mail nan ditarimo Mamak ambo tu iyo virus tu mah, ambo juo babarapo
kali manarimo dari pengirim dan subject yang babeda, tapi isinyo tatap samo,
                Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. 

        Kudian ambo dapek balasan dari urang basangkutan, iko ambo kopikan :

-----Original Message-----
From: Hendry Agus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 7:11 AM
To: Elthaf
Subject: virus

Dear friends,

My computer was recently infected by a virus called WIN32 HOAX - SIRCAM A.
This particular virus will send an e-mail to random address with a random
attachment taken from "my documents" folder. This virus is actually smart
enough to check your e-mail list while you're using web based e-mail.

You may or may not be a friend of mine, and just happens to be unfortunate
to receive the e-mail.  I suffered this same headache because I received an
e-mail from a friend, and didn't realize it till another week.

So, I'm terribly sorry for any trouble I cause.

Hendry Agus

-----Original Message-----
From: Erizal Syamsir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 4:59 PM
Subject: [RantauNet] Info.

Assalamu'alaikum WW,

Kalau ado nan manarimo pasan sarupo iko:

Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. 

Tolong dihapuih sajo karano sajak 4 hari balakangan ko ambo alah acok
Pado mulonyo ambo indak tau, tapi setelah diagaiah tau Uda ambo nan di
Banuanet@ mako ikolah salah satu virus.
Jadi indak Ni Ben bagai tu nan mangirim ka Mak Sati.


Erizal Syamsir 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sjamsir Alam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: [RantauNet] ULEK BULU

Ma sagalo adidunsanak jo anak kamanakan di lapau,

Sabanta ko ambo manarimo posting dari milis berita Krikil tantang ulek bulu
nan babahayo. Kapatang ambo manarimo posting (sa-olah-olah) dari Ben
barasiah co nan dicaritoan posting dari Krikil tu dan lansuang ambo baleh.
Tapi indak ado balasan dari Ben. Basamo-samo jo posting iko, ambo agiah tau
Ben jo alamaik imel nan batua. Yakin bana ambo komputer kamanakan ambo ko
lah jadi sarang ulek bulu ko.
Ko kopi bunyi posting nan ambo tarimo dari Ben tu:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nurbaini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 2:44 PM
Subject: Ben-Uni Dar2

Hi! How are you?

I send you this file in order to have your advice

See you later. Thanks

Ado file attachment nan tantu se indak ambo bukak. Sasudah ambo reply
lansuang ambo tindek abih-abih sambai ka folder "deleted item".

Di bawah ko ambo kopikan pulo posting Krikil nan ambo tarimo sabanta ko.
Sasuai sangaik jo bunyi posting palasu dari Ben tu. Cubolah baco.

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 Contoh message yang mengandung virus ini ada di bawah (setelah --------- )

Virus Pintar SirCam, Sebar Dokumen Pribadi Lewat Email
Reporter: Iwan Arif
detikcom - Jakarta,W32/SirCam.Worm@mm worm telah menyebar sampai ke Asia
tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Demikian laporan perusahaan anti virus Symantec,

Virus worm ini menyatukan dirinya pada sebuah dokumen Microsoft Word yang
secara acak dari komputer korban. Setelah itu, gabungan virus dan dokumen
tersebut akan dikirim ke seluruh alamat email yang terdapat di adress book
tanpa sepengetahuan korban.

Menurut Symantec, selain mampu membeberkan dokumen-dokumen rahasia yang
virus ini juga memiliki kemampuan menghapus beberapa file dan melemahkan
kinerja PC.

Jika Anda sempat terinfeksi dengan virus ini, sebaiknya cepat-cepat
komputer. Pasalnya, pada tanggal 16 Oktober, virus ini diyakini memiliki
khusus, seperti koneksi internet (upload dan download) misterius dengan
berbahaya lainnya.

Menurut konsultan security komputer, ada kemungkinan 1:20 virus ini mampu
seluruh file pada direktory hard disk anda. Lalu ada juga kemungkinan 1:33
virus ini
akan mengisi tempat kosong pada hardisk dengan menambahkan text pada
c:\recycled\sircam.sys setiap kali anda melakukan start-up. Tidak dijelaskan
mendetail mengapa aktifitas khusus virus ini memakai sistem perbandingan.

Sayangnya, virus sulit dideteksi jika hanya dilihat dari fisik pesan email.
line dapat berbeda-beda tergantung judul file dokumen word apa yang berhasil
dari komputer pengirim yang menjadi korban sebelumnya. Bisa saja anda
email berjudul laporan_keuangan_medan, skripsi, atau apa saja. Menipu bukan?

Ada baiknya segera mendownload update antivirus jika komputer anda dirasa
dapat mendeteksi keberadaan virus ini.

Symantec menjelaskan bahwa setelah virus ini dilaporkan beraksi, server
mengalami peningkatan traffict download untuk update antivirus. Symantec
menaikkan tingkat bahaya virus dari level 3 menjadi level 4, karena
penyebaran yang cukup mengkhawatirkan.(iam)

Hi! How are you?

I send you this file in order to have your advice

See you later. Thanks


di message aslinya ada attachement file excel atau ms word, dan extentionnya
berubah, mis :
satu.xls >>> satu.xls.pif

jika menerima e-mail dg. message spt di atas (dari siapapun, termasuk teman
sudah sangat dikenal), jangan pernah dibuka attachementnya. untuk lebih
langsung delete saja, dan kalau bisa kasih tau si pengirim kalau virusnya


Discovered on: July 17, 2001
Last Updated on: July 25, 2001 at 07:10:42 AM PDT

Due to an increased rate of virus submissions, The Symantec AntiVirus
Center (SARC) has upgraded W32.Sircam.Worm@mm from a level 3 to a level 4

W32.Sircam.Worm@mm contains its own SMTP engine, and propagates in a manner
to the W32.Magistr.Worm.
Due to what appears to be a bug, this worm does not replicate under Windows
NT or

SARC has created a tool to remove this worm.

CAUTION: In some cases, if you have had NAV quarantine or delete infected
files, you
will not be able to run .exe files, however you will still be able to run
removal tool.

To obtain the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm removal tool, please click here:


Also Known As: W32/SirCam@mm, Backdoor.SirCam

Type: Worm

Virus Definitions: July 17, 2001

Threat Assessment:

High  Damage:
Medium  Distribution:


Number of infections: More than 1000
Number of sites: More than 10
Geographical distribution: Medium
Threat containment: Moderate
Removal: Moderate

Payload Trigger: 1) October 16th, or some attached file contents, triggers
deletion payload. 2) If the file deletion occured, or after 8000 executions,
triggers the space filler payload.
Large scale e-mailing: The worm appends a random document from the infected
PC to
itself and sends this new file via email
Deletes files: 1 in 20 chance of deleting all files and directories on C:.
occurs on systems where the date is October 16 and which are using D/M/Y as
the date
format. Always occurs if attached file contains "FS2" not followed by "sc".
Degrades performance: 1 in 50 chance of filling all remaining space on the
C: drive
by adding text to the file c:\recycled\sircam.sys
Releases confidential info: It will export a random document from the hard
drive by
appending it to the body of the worm

Subject of email: Random subject - the filename of the attachment
Name of attachment: A file from the sender's computer with the extension
.bat, .com,
.lnk, or .pif added to it.
Size of attachment: at least 134kb long
Shared drives: searchs for shared drives and copies itself to those it finds

Technical description:

This worm arrives as an email message with the following content:

Subject: The subject of the email will be random, and will be the same as
the file
name of the email attachment.
Attachment: The attachment is a file taken from the sender's computer and
will have
the extension .bat, .com, .lnk or .pif added to it.
Message: The message body will be semi-random, but will always contain one
of the
following two lines (either English or Spanish) as the first and last
sentences of
the message.

Spanish Version:
First line: Hola como estas ?
Last line: Nos vemos pronto, gracias.

English Version:
First line: Hi! How are you?
Last line: See you later. Thanks

Between these two sentences, some of the following text may appear:

Spanish Version:
Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista
Espero me puedas ayudar con el archivo que te mando
Espero te guste este archivo que te mando
Este es el archivo con la informaci=n que me pediste

English Version:
I send you this file in order to have your advice
I hope you can help me with this file that I send
I hope you like the file that I sendo you
This is the file with the information that you ask for

When run, the worm performs the following actions:

1. It creates copies of itself as %TEMP%\<File name> and C:\Recycled\<file
which contain the attached document. This document is then run using the
registered to handle the specific file type. For example, if it is saved as
a file
with the .doc extension, it will run using Microsoft Word or Wordpad. A file
the .xls extension will open in Excel, and one with the .zip extension will
open in
your default zip program, such as WinZip.

NOTE: The term %TEMP% is the Temp variable, and means that the worm will
save itself
to the Windows Temp folder, whatever its location. The default is

2. It copies itself to C:\Recycled\Sirc32.exe and %System%\Scam32.exe.

NOTE: %System% is also a variable. The worm will locate the \System folder
default this is C:\Windows\System) and copy itself to that location.

3. It adds the value


to the following registry key:


4. It creates the following registry key:


with the following values:
FB1B - Stores the file name of the worm as stored in the Recycled directory.
FB1BA - Stores the SMTP IP address.
FB1BB - Stores the email address of the sender.
FC0 - Stores the number of times the worm has executed.
FC1 - Stores what appears to be the version number of the worm.
FD1 - Stores the file name of worm that has been executed, without the

5. The (Default) value of the registry key


is set to

C:\recycled\sirc32.exe "%1" %*"

This enables the worm to execute itself any time that an .exe file is run.

6. The worm is network aware, and it will enumerate the network resources to
shared systems. If any are found, it will do the following:
Attempt to copy itself to <Computer>\Recycled\Sirc32.exe
Add the line "@win \recycled\sirc32.exe" to the file <Computer>\Autoexec.bat
Copy <Computer>\Windows\Rundll32.exe to <Computer>\Windows\Run32.exe
Replace <Computer>\Windows\rundll32.exe with C:\Recycled\Sirc32.exe

7. There is a 1 in 33 chance that the following actions will occur:
The worm copies itself from C:\Recycled\Sirc32.exe to %Windows%\Scmx32.exe
The worm copies itself as "Microsoft Internet Office.exe" to the folder
referred to
by the registry key:

Shell Folders\Startup

8. There is a 1 in 20 chance that on October 16th of any year, the worm will
recursively delete all files and folders on the C drive.
This payload functions only on computers which use the date format D/M/Y (as
to M/D/Y or similar formats).

Additionally, the payload will always activate immediately, regardless of
date and
date format, if the file attached to the worm contains the sequence "FA2"
the letters "sc" following immediately.

9. If this payload activates, the file C:\Recycled\Sircam.sys is created and
with text until there is no remaining disk space. The text is one of two
[SirCam Version 1.0 Copyright ¬ 2000 2rP Made in / Hecho en - Cuitzeo,

10. The worm contains its own SMTP engine which is used for the email
routine. It
obtains email addresses through two different methods:

It searches the folders that are referred to by the registry keys

Shell Folders\Cache


Shell Folders\Personal

for sho*., get*., hot*., *.htm files, and copies email addresses from there
into the
file %system%\sc?1.dll

where ? is a different letter for each location, as follows:

scy1.dll: addresses from %cache%\sho*., hot*., get*.
sch1.dll: addresses from %personal%\sho*., hot*., get*.
sci1.dll: addresses from %cache%\*.htm
sct1.dll: addresses from %personal%\*.htm

It searches %system% and all subfolders for *.wab (all Windows Address
Books) and
copies addresses from there into %system%\scw1.dll.

11. It searches the folders referred to by the registry keys:

Shell Folders\Personal


Shell Folders\Desktop

for files of type .doc, .xls, and .zip, and stores the filenames in
%system%\scd.dll. One of these files will be appended to the worm's original
executable and this new file will be sent as the email attachment.

The From: email address and mail server are taken from the registry. If no
account exists, then the current user name will be prepended to
"", eg
if the current user logged on as JSmith, then the address will be
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Then the worm will attempt to connect to a mail
This will be either the mail server taken from the registry, or one of

The language used for the mail depends on the language used by the sender.
If the
sender uses Spanish, then the mail will be in Spanish, otherwise it will be
English. The attachment is chosen randomly from the list of files in the

Removal instructions:

SARC has created a tool to remove this worm.


In some cases, if you have had NAV quarantine or delete infected files, you
will not
be able to run .exe files, however you will still be able to run the removal
If you are using Windows Me, and a copy of the worm is detected in the
folder when running the tool, the tool cannot remove it from that folder, as
it is
protected by Windows. See the document Cannot repair, quarantine, or delete
a virus
found in the _RESTORE folder, and then run the tool again.

To obtain the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm removal tool, please click here:


Manual Removal
If for any reason you cannot use or obtain the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm removal
tool, you
must remove this worm manually. To do this, you must:

Undo the change that it made to the registry key
Delete any files detected as W32.Sircam.Worm@mm.
Use Windows Explorer to remove Sircam.sys (if it exists) from the Windows
Remove the entry (if it exists) that the worm made to the file Autoexec.bat,
. (This
will only be present if the worm has spread across a network.)

See the sections that follow for detailed instructions.

NOTE: If you are on a network, or have a full time connection to the
disconnect the computer from the network and the Internet. Follow the
procedure on all computers, including the server. Disable or password
protect file
sharing before reconnecting computers to the network or to the internet.

To edit the registry:
The worm modifies the registry such that an infected file is executed every
that you run a .exe file. Follow these instructions to fix this.

Copy Regedit.exe to
Because the worm modified the registry so that you cannot run .exe files,
you must
first make a copy of the Registry Editor as a file with the .com extension,
and then
run that.

1. Do one of the following, depending on which operating system you are
Windows 95/98 users: Click Start, point to Programs, and click MS-DOS
Windows ME users: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and
click MS-DOS Prompt.
Windows NT/2000 users:
1. Click Start, and click Run.
2. Click Browse, and browse to the \Winnt folder.
3. Double-click the file, and then click OK.

2. Type the following and then press Enter:

copy regedit.exe

3. Type the following and then press Enter:


1. Proceed to the section "To edit the registry and remove keys and changes
made by
the worm" only after you have accomplished the previous steps.

NOTE: This will open the Registry Editor in front of the DOS window. After
finish editing the registry and have closed Registry Editor, close the DOS

To edit the registry and remove keys and changes made by the worm:

CAUTION: We strongly recommend that you back up the system registry before
any changes. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data
loss or
corrupted files. Please make sure you modify only the keys specified in this
document. For more information about how to back up the registry, please
read How to
back up the Windows registry before proceeding with the following steps. If
you are
concerned that you cannot follow these steps correctly, then please do not
Consult a computer technician for more information.

1. Navigate to and select the following key:


CAUTION: The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key contains many subkey entries that refer
to other
file extensions. One of these file extensions is .exe. Changing this
extension can
prevent any files ending with an .exe extension from running. Make sure you
all the way along this path until you reach the \command subkey.
Do not modify the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe key.
Do modify the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command subkey that is
shown in
the following figure:

 <<=== NOTE: This is the key that you need to modify.

2. Double-click the (Default) value in the right pane.
3. Delete the current value data, and then type: "%1" %* (That is, type the
following characters: quote-percent-one-quote-space-percent-asterisk.)

NOTE: The Registry Editor will automatically enclose the value within
marks. When you click OK, the (Default) value should look exactly like this:

4. Make sure you completely delete all value data in the command key prior
to typing
the correct data. If a space is left accidentally at the beginning of the
entry, any
attempt to run program files will result in the error message, "Windows
cannot find
.exe." or "Cannot locate C:\ <path and file name>."
5. Navigate to and select the following key:


CAUTION: Make sure that you go all the way down to the SirCam key, and that
it is
selected. It will look similar to the following figure:

6. With the SirCam key selected, press Delete and then click Yes to
confirm.. This
will delete the key and all of its subkeys. Since this key was created by
the worm
it can be safely deleted.
7. Navigate to and select the following key:


8. In the right pane, look for and select the value


9. Press Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

To remove the worm:
1. Run LiveUpdate to make sure that you have the most recent virus
2. Start Norton AntiVirus (NAV), and run a full system scan, making sure
that NAV is
set to scan all files.
3. Delete any files detected as W32.Sircam.Worm@mm.

NOTE: If you are using Windows Me, and a copy of the worm is detected in the
_Restore folder, NAV cannot remove it from that folder, as it is protected
Windows. See the document Cannot repair, quarantine, or delete a virus found
in the
_RESTORE folder.

To empty the Recycle Bin:
Because of the way that files are placed there in this case, you cannot just
Empty Recycle Bin as you would with files that are deleted in the normal
Instead, use Windows Explorer to delete the file C:\Recycled\Sircam.sys if
it is

To edit the Autoexec.bat file:
1. Click Start, and click Run.
2. Type the following, and then click OK.

edit c:\autoexec.bat

The MS-DOS Editor opens.

3. Remove the line "@win \recycled\sirc32.exe" if it is present.
4. Click File and then click Save.
5. Exit the MS-DOS Editor

Additional information:

Configure Windows for maximum protection
Because this virus spreads by using shared folders on networked computers,
to ensure
that the virus does not reinfect the computer after it has been removed,
suggests sharing with read-only access or using password protection. For
instructions on how to do this, see your Windows documentation or the
document How
to configure shared Windows folders for maximum network protection.

Write-up by: Peter Ferrie and Peter Szor


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