Bundo, this is a good one, but I wonder where the school is

Kind regard,

M.C. Baridjambek

After thought,

By the way Bundo, thank you very much for Rumzy's hospitality on May 18, and
salam hormat for kind Ayah.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hayatun Nismah Rumzy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 7:39 AM
Subject: [RantauNet] Joke

> > If you understand laugh loudly, but kalau anda tak
> > mengerti delete dengan segera.
> >
> > It was the first day of school and a new student named
> > Suzuki, the son of a Japanese businessman, entered the
> > fourth grade.
> >
> > The teacher said:"Let's begin by reviewing some American
> > history. Who said "Give me Liberty, or give me Death?"
> > She
> > saw a sea of blank faces, except for Suzuki, who had his
> > hand up and said "Patrick Henry, 1775."  "Very good!" she
> > replied instantly.
> >
> > Who said 'Government of the people, by the people, for
> > the
> > people, shall not perish from the earth?".   Again,  no
> > response except from Suzuki:  "Abraham Lincoln, 1863.",
> > said Suzuki.
> >
> > The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be
> > ashamed.  Suzuki, who is new to our country, knows about
> > our
> > history than you do."   She heard a loud whisper: "Screw
> > the Japs."  "Who said that?" she demanded, Suzuki put his
> > hand up "Lee Iacocca, 1982."
> >
> > At that point, a student in the back said: "I'm gonna
> > puke."
> > The teacher glares and asks: "All right, who said that?"
> > Again Suzuki says: "George Bush to the Japanese Prime
> > minister, 1991."
> >
> > Now furious, another student yells: "0h yeah? Suck this!"
> > Suzuki jumps and shouts to the teacher. "Bill Clinton, to
> > Monica Lewinsky, 1997!".   The teacher fainted.
> >
> > And as the class gathered around the teacher on the
> > floor,
> > someone said: "0h shit, we're in big trouble!". and
> > Suzuki
> > said:  "The Taliban, 2001!"
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