Mak Sati Yth :
Assalamualikum wr.wb
Ambo kiro tadinyo juo baitu mak , gratis alias perai , tapi ambo pikie pikie iyo pulo tumah ma lo ado didunie ko nan perai , kacuali maangok kalau lai sehat , kalau lah sakik, maangok sajo  harus mambayie , contohno kalau mamakai oxigen , baa tu mak.
Ambo lai alun dapek paringatan lai doh , mungkin uploadnyo masih dibawah 36 bh , tapi indak tahu juo kalau etongannyo akumlatif , bia nanlah didelete  dietong juo . 
Wassalam : zul amry di kuta bali

Sjamsir Alam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ma sagalo adidunsanak jo anak kamanakan,

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Subuah ko ambo dapek paringatan dari The PictureTrail Support Team. Ruponyo
manyangkuikan foto di sinan indak perai doh. Simaklah paringatan tu nan ambo
salin di bawah ko.

mak Sati (66->67)

Dear member,

This is about your PictureTrail account:
Username: esja
Password: 6600639

The Intro period for this account has ended. Your
account has been switched to the Free Basic level.

With the Free Basic account you won't be able to
upload images to your account if you already have
36 or more images in your account. Please also note
that Free Basic accounts will eventually be phased
out from the system (with advance email notice.)

We hope you've enjoyed your Intro level account and
encourage you to upgrade to the Premium account for
only $19.95 per year.

To upgrade, click on "Acct. Upgrade" in the members area.

Or go directly to the upgrade page:

If you don't have a credit card, we also accept payment by
check, money order or Paypal. Click on the "No Credit Card?"
link on the credit card payment page for instructions.

Here's some info about accounts types, etc.

Best regards,

The PictureTrail Support Team

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