More about James Nachtwey  <>

He grew up in Massachusetts and graduated from Dartmouth College, where he
studied Art History and Political Science (1966-70). Images from the Vietnam
War and the American Civil Rights movement had a powerful effect on him and
were instrumental in his decision to become a photographer. He has worked
aboard ships in the Merchant Marine, and while teaching himself photography,
he was an apprentice news film editor and a truck driver.

In 1976 he started work as a newspaper photographer in New Mexico, and in
1980, he moved to New York to begin a career as a freelance magazine
photographer. His first foreign assignment was to cover civil strife in
Northern Ireland in 1981 during the IRA hunger strike. Since then, Nachtwey
has devoted himself to documenting wars, conflicts and critical social
issues. He has worked on extensive photographic essays in El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Guatemala, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza, Israel, Indonesia,
Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, the Philippines, South Korea,
Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda, South Africa, Russia, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo,
Romania, Brazil and the United States.

Nachtwey has been a contract photographer with Time Magazine since 1984. He
was associated with Black Star from 1980 - 1985 and was a member of Magnum
from 1986 until 2001. In 2001, he became one of the founding members of the
photo agency, VII. He has had solo exhibitions at the International Center
of Photography in New York, the Bibliotheque nationale de France in Paris,
the Palazzo Esposizione in Rome, the Museum of Photographic Arts in San
Diego, Culturgest in Lisbon, El Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid,
Fahey/Klein Gallery in Los Angeles, the Massachusetts College of Art in
Boston, the Canon Gallery and the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, the Carolinum in
Prague,and the Hasselblad Center in Sweden, among others. 

He has received numerous honours such as the Common Wealth Award, Martin
Luther King Award, Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award, Henry Luce
Award, Robert Capa Gold Medal (five times), the World Press Photo Award
(twice), Magazine Photographer of the Year (seven times), the International
Center of Photography Infinity Award (three times), the Leica Award (twice),
the Bayeaux Award for War Correspondents (twice), the Alfred Eisenstaedt
Award, the Canon Photo essayist Award and the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Grant
in Humanistic Photography. He is a fellow of the Royal Photographic Society
and has an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from the Massachusetts College of



Yulnofrins Napilus
Sent: 11 September 2007 10:49
To: MAPPAS; RantauNet2 Milis
Cc: Milis SMA1Bkt; Gebu Minang
Subject: [Wisata Minang] JAMES NACHTWAY ke Sumbar hari ini: "Tradisi


Assalamualaikum ww.

Buat info aja, fotografer kelas dunia dari NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, James
Nachtway, jam 10 pagi ini baru aja mendarat di Padang. James ini sering jadi
bahan diskusi dan referensi di komunitas2 fotografi dimana-mana dalam hal
cara dia memotret dan "senjata" yang digunakannya. Ditemenin Feri dr NG
Indonesia, besok Rabu mereka mau meliput "Tradisi Balimau" di Pangkalan,
Kab. 50 Kota. Malam ini akan nginap di Bukittinggi. Dari Bkt ke Pangkalan
sktr 2 - 2,5 jam arah Pekanbaru stlh Kelok Sembilan. Mereka hingga 13 Sep.
di Sumbar.

Bagi yang mau ketemu dan sharing, James menyediakan waktunya besok malam
(mungkin malam bgt sampainya) atau Kamis pagi di salah satu Hotel di Padang.
Krn hari ini dan besok mohon maaf katanya agar tidak diganggu dulu krn
waktunya sgt singkat dan agar lebih fokus motret. 

Alhamdulillah, KaDis BudPar dan KaSi Promosi DisBudPar Sumbar sudah merespon
untuk mendukung jika mereka butuh info pariwisata Sumbar lebih jauh disana
nanti. Saya sudah dapat izin nomor hp beliau dikasih ke rekan2 dari NG tsb.
Mereka bilang, kalau ada lagi saat ini event atau fokus yang lebih menarik
utk "kelas NG", mereka akan extend waktunya di Sumbar... 

So far, saya kurang tahu persis angka totalnya, berapa ratus ribu atau juta
eksemplar National Geographic terbit untuk setiap edisinya. Berapa pun lah
angkanya, tetap saja sangat positif buat membantu mendorong Pariwisata
Sumbar ke level Internasional. 

Mohon maaf lahir batin, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa Ramadhan. Thanks.



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