sbg pelangko' kaba nan ambo sampaikan.



Woman to conduct Egypt marriages 
By Frances Harrison 
BBC religious affairs reporter 

Egypt has appointed a woman to conduct Muslim marriages for the first

Amal Soliman, 32, has broken centuries of tradition by being chosen as a
judicial assistant who officiates at weddings, known as a maazun. 

Some commentators are saying she is the first female in the Muslim world
authorised to conduct religious marriages. 

The mother of three has a masters degree in law which helped her beat 10
male candidates to get the job. 

As a maazun or notary, Ms Soliman will read verses from the Koran at
ceremonies, sign marriage certificates and authorise divorce contracts. 

She will work in the town of Qinayat east of Cairo where her
father-in-law also conducted marriages until he died recently. 

Ms Soliman has told the Egyptian press that as a woman she will be able
to check the bride really wants to marry the groom and is not being
forced by her family. 

She also says she will be better able to dissuade women from seeking

One issue that has been raised is that a menstruating woman or one who
has just given birth is not allowed to enter a mosque, but Ms Soliman
has been quoted as saying that during such times she will conduct
marriages in people's homes or wedding halls. 


On Thu, 2008-13-03 at 03:24 +0000, Bandaro Labiah wrote:
> assalamu'alaykum w.w.
> kok  ado asok tantu ado pulo baro no tu, 
> apo pulo lah nan jadi dalil Naqli atau dalil Aqli no, kok bisa ado nan
> bantuak itu ??
> kini mungkin awak alun tahu, kok lah ado pulo nan manyampaikan, tantu
> ka bi tahu pulo awak nan basamo, iko lah guno no "Lapau' (taraso
> barado dilapau tangah pasa kini jadino)
> Wassalamu'alaykum w.w
> Bandaro Labiah.


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