Dari Bernama (Berita Nasional Malaysia) dikutip panuah tanpa aizin untuk Rang 

Bagi adidunsanak nan sadang dan akan aktif di bidang industri paturihan, rancak 
dicaliak-caliak kesempatan Training ko langsuang dari pusek penyelenggaranyo. 
Good luck.

Sjamsir Sjarif
March 26, 2008 23:23 PM   

Training Centre For Tourism Frontliners
KUALA LUMPUR, March 26 (Bernama) -- Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman 
Said said a special tourism training centre would be set up for the industry's 

She said this was aimed at ensuring that frontliners provided courteous service 
to tourists.

"The training centre is proof that we are serious about the tourism industry 
and will not tolerate poor service.

"However, we are still contemplating whether to set up an institute or a normal 
training centre," she told reporters after the ministry's post-Cabinet meeting 
here Wednesday.

Those involved in the special training include taxi and bus drivers, tour 
agencies and hotel owners.

Azalina said this was necessary to compete with neighbouring countries which 
were always striving to improve services to attract more tourists.

"Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore are always watching what we do and are 
catching up with us."

She said the increase in tourist arrivals should be supported by quality 
service, adding that the ministry would implement several programmes to 
strengthen the industry by improving the quality of travel services, with 
emphasis on eco-tourism products.

About 20.9 million tourists visited the country last year, spending more than 
RM46 million during their stay.


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