----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Vivi Novianti <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com>
To: ajod...@gmail.com
Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 5:57:08 PM
Subject: info urang awak di USA

Assalamualaikum w2

Yth. Ajo Duta

Terlebih dahulu ambo doakan semoga ajo dan keluarga serta dunsanak kasadonyo 
berada dalam keadaan sehat walafiat
dan selalu sukses dalam setiap aktifitas. Ajo Duta, waktu sabalum minta tolong 
ka milis ko ambo talabiah
dulu menghubung pihak kedutaan awak di USA, namun karano mungkin karajo urang 
kedutaan tu banyak, 
mas Ricky tu manyaranan ambo kirim via fedex, atau US Postal, tapi pas ambo 
konformasi ka sponsor
ndak dibaleh2 email ambo doh. Akhirnyo ambo putuskan untuk manumpang dulu di 
kedutaan jo
jadi baa rancaknyo tu jo, laptop ambo alah di kirim ka kedutaan tapi camera ama 
binokuler alah
dikirim ka alamat ajo. Jauh kedutaan dari tampek ajo tu?
Sakian dan tarimo kasih jo

Hormat saya


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: IDEA WILD <ideaw...@ideawild.org>
To: Vivi Novianti <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 12:59:35 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: Re: July Idea Wild Approval


Thank you for the update.  The only problem is that we sent the laptop
already to Ricky Ichsan.  Please contact him about the laptop.

Best regards,

Sean Kelly
Project Director
Empowering the Heroes and Sheroes of the Planet

Vivi Novianti wrote: 
>Dear Project Director Idea Wild
>> I am sorry, I have corrected my email before. I was received my
>colleagues email one hours ago, and He will leave the US at Thursday,
>January 28, 2010, number flight ETA CGK Thu,1/28 2.35 pm KU 0415
>(Kuwait Air) via Kuala Lumpur. He will be receiving and shiping my
>>Please Kindly contact him.
>>Name      : Dutamardin Umar
>>Adress    : 45 Essex Square
>>                Sterling, VA 20164
>>Phone     : (703) 371-229
>>Email      : dutamar...@gmail.com
>>Agains, Thanks for your consideration. Please kindly confirm me about
>>Best Regards,
>----- Forwarded Message ----
>From: Vivi Novianti
>To: ideaw...@ideawild.org
>Sent: Thu, January 14,
>2010 10:48:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Fw: Re:
>July Idea Wild Approval
>Dear Project Director Idea Wild
>>After discuss with Ricky Ichsan about transporting my equipment, He
>suggest me to use US Postal,UPS or Fedex to transporting my equipment.
>.Please kindly confirm me about this. Thanks for your consideration.
>>Best Regards
From: >IDEA WILD <ideaw...@ideawild.org>
>To: Vivi Novianti
><ayuk_v...@yahoo.com>; IDEA WILD <ideaw...@ideawild.org>
>Sent: Fri, January 1,
>2010 1:26:28 AM
>Subject: Re: Fw: Re:
>July Idea Wild Approval
>>We have received your email.  We were out of the office for the
>Christmas holidays.  Thank you for sending the contact address.  Please
>confirm that you have made contact with Ricky  Ichsan about
>transporting your equipment.
>>Best regards,
>>Sean Kelly
>On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Vivi
>Novianti <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com> >wrote:
>>>>--- On Mon, 12/21/09, Vivi Novianti <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com> >>wrote:
>>>>>>From: Vivi Novianti <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com>
>>>>>>Subject: Re: July Idea Wild Approval
>>>To: "IDEA WILD" <ideaw...@ideawild.org>
>>>Date: Monday, December 21, 2009, 4:27 PM
>>>Dear Project Director Idea Wild
>>>My Contact Person in US :
>>>>>>Ricky E.V. Ichsan
>>>>>>Third Secretary Embassy of Indonesia
>>>>>>2020 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20036
>>>>>>Tel    : (202) 775.5200
>>>>>>Tel    : (202) 775.5295 (direct
>>>>>>Fax   : (202) 775.5359
>>>>>>Please kindly contact him. Thanks for you consideration
>>>>>>Best Regards
From: >>>IDEA WILD <ideaw...@ideawild.org>
>>>To: Vivi
>>>Novianti <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com>
>>>Sent: Fri,
>>>December 18, 2009 1:09:39 AM
>>>Subject: Re:
>>>July Idea Wild Approval
>>>>>>Thank you for sending your confirmation.  Please let us know when you
>>>have a US contact address.
>>>>>>Best Regards,
>>>>>>Sean Kelly
>>>>>>Project Director
>>>>>>Empowering the Heroes and Sheroes of the Planet
>>>>>>Vivi Novianti wrote:
>>>>Project Director Idea Wild
>>>>for your consideration, I am very happy to heart that because I am
>>>>still in need of your assistance. I will be send an email to Idea Wild
>>>>Secretariat with the address, phone number and email address of the
>>>>person in the US who can receive and ship my equipment as soon as
>>>>possible with the date my contact person will leave the US. Again,
>>>>thanks for your consideration.
>>>> Best
From: >>>>IDEA WILD <ideaw...@ideawild.org>
>>>>To: Vivi
>>>> <ayuk_v...@yahoo.com>
>>>>Sent: Sat,
>>>>12, 2009 5:45:11 AM
>>>>Subject: >>>>July Idea
>>>>Wild Approval
>>>>>>>>Your Proposal has been reviewed and accepted. Please contact us via
>>>>email if 
>>>>>>>>you are still in need of our assistance.  Be advised that although you
>>>>>>>>been approved, you may not get all of the items you asked for, or the
>>>>exact model of the requested item. 
>>>>>>>>You have been approved for the following items: 
>>>>>>>>We can provide one refurbished laptop.
>>>>>>>>We can provide one pair of binoculars
>>>>>>>>We can not fund the following items: 
>>>>>>>>Multifunction Printer
>>>>>>>>Multimedia Projector
>>>>>>>>We can offer the following substitutions for items you requested: 
>>>>>>>>One Canon A1100IS digital camera.
>>>>>>>>Also, please send an email to us with the address, phone number, and
>>>>email address of the person in the US who can receive and ship your
>>>>equipment.  Please email, phone, or write this person, so that they are
>>>>aware that they will be receiving packages.  Important:  please advise
>>>>us of  the date your contact person will leave the US (if you are aware
>>>>of a departure date).
>>>>>>>>Thank you, 
>>>>>>>>Sean Kelly 
>>>>>>>>Project Director 
>>>>>>>>Idea Wild
>>Empowering the Heroes and Sheroes of the Planet

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