I inherited a monster program.  It's 800 physical lines of code, separated like 

100 lines of pre-processing code before we set a cursor

600 lines of code that are within a DECLARE CURSOR that processes 40,000 
records.  We cannot use a "while" loop because it never completed, so we use a 
"goto / label" structure to move around, and it always completes fine.

100 lines of post-cursor code.

I am trying to speed up this cursor as it now takes hours to process.  There 
are no "run" statements within this program, no printing of reports other than 

Within that cursor loop, there are many "goto" statements to move around within 
that cursor loop.  
My assumption:  when the program hits a "goto" command, it must run through 
every line of code, one line at a time, to find the "label".  It would go all 
the way to the end of the program, and if it cannot find the label, it then 
goes back up to line 1 of the program and scans every line until it finally 
hits the label.   In this program, sometimes these labels are after the goto, 
sometimes they are "above" it.  

So question 1:  is my assumption correct?

If it is:  Let's say for readability that a line has been separated into 
multiple lines, such as this:
            SELECT agtcomm INTO vtestagtcomm +
              FROM agtcomm +
              WHERE agentno = .vagentno AND policy_no = .vpolicy_no +
              AND covcode = .vcovcode AND polyr = 1 AND agtcomm < 0 +
              AND paidtoagton IS NOT NULL

As it searches for a matching "label", is RBase evaluating 5 lines of code, one 
at a time?  Or is it "smart" enough to know it's one command and evaluates it 
just once?

So IOW: if I was to retype this command so that it takes just one really long 
line, or maybe just 2 lines, would it be "quicker" for RBase to search for a 
label?   I wouldn't normally be so anal about it, but when you're doing this 
40,000 times.....


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