Depending on the size of the tables and the complexity of the where clause 
sometimes temp tables will speed it up tremendously. I use them throughout my 
programming to speed up different things.

Tracing usually shows me which one is slowing it down and that is where I look 

Dan Goldberg

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Doug Hamilton
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - Thoughts on speeding up a cursor?

Hard to believe?  No, just proves that sending guys to the moon is easier than 
figuring out insurance stuff.  :)
On 4/24/2017 11:37 AM, karentellef via RBASE-L wrote:
Here's the thing -- believe it or not, there is NOT A SINGLE PLACE in that 600 
lines of cursor where I am updating a record.  Never, not once.  It does a 
whole bunch of selects, from a whole bunch of different tables, and there's a 
whole bunch of variable calculations.  Depending on conditions, it skips around 
all over the place to retrieve those variables from tables, whether or not to 
make certain calcs, etc.

The only table operation it does is at the very end, when it's done with its 
calculations, it finally inserts one row into a temporary table....

I know, hard to believe, isn't it?   I don't think NASA has calculations as 
complicated as this routine just to get a single answer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Hamilton <><>
To: rbase-l <><>
Sent: Mon, Apr 24, 2017 11:32 am
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - Thoughts on speeding up a cursor?
Karen - I had a similar speed question when using the UPDATE command on 2/3/15, 
although my questions was more about optimal use of the WHERE clause than GOTO 
and labels.  You, Dennis and others offered many helpful answers.
If you think optimizing the DECLARE CURSOR would help, here is the response 
from Dennis that might help you as far as order of the columns, using parens, 


First of all, is the column you are updating indexed?  That would slow updating 
it tremendously on a table this long.

If that is not the case I would do this:

1. Make a multi column index on your temp table for the 3 columns in the order 
that is used in your joining where clause.

2. Make the temp table the second table, not the first.

3. Set manopt on to make sure R:BASE follows your optimization.

4. Use this syntax (no parenthesis around the where clause):

UPDATE TxnHist +

    SET ChryInvNbr = INV.ChryInvNbr +

    FROM TxnHist TXN, ChryInvDtlTmp INV  +

  WHERE  +

    TXN.VPlNmbr = INV.VPlNmbr  AND +

    TXN.CusPnbr = INV.CusPnbr AND +

    TXN.TxDate = INV.InvoiceDate

This will avoid trying to use any of the single indexes in TxnHist, and use a 
very efficient multi-column index to get the update value from the temp table.

Further optimization can be done by changing the where clause (and temp index) 
clause so the most unique column is first.

I suspect InvoiceDate would be the most unique, but only you can answer that 

BTW, I don't think labels and GOTOs are the problem.  Suppose you rewrote the 
code and saved a few milliseconds per loop by "optimizing" the GOTO/labels.  At 
40,000 records that's only a difference of, say, 40 to 120 seconds total (a few 
minutes), hardly a dent in the several hours the program now runs.  I think 
Dennis's first point might be a clue: Updating an indexed column.

On 4/24/2017 9:50 AM, karentellef via RBASE-L wrote:
That select statement is not my cursor, that's just one of the many 600 lines 
of code that the cursor is evaluating.  The cursor itself would not be 
index-able as it contains >=, not null, etc....

I mean, yes, I could look at the many, many select statements within the loop 
(my wild guess is that there's around 50 of them) and maybe there would be 10 
or 15 different potential compound indexes.  I'm not sure if there's a 
practical limit to the number of compound indexes you could create on a single 
table (there would be probably 10 different "lookup" tables).

So yeah, good idea, I'll look at all the lookups and check indexing.  But I'm 
assuming that compounds would only work in instances where all of the 
components are using "=", right?


-----Original Message-----
From: Albert Berry <><>
To: rbase-l <><>
Sent: Mon, Apr 24, 2017 9:40 am
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - Thoughts on speeding up a cursor?
Karen - wild thought. Would a compound index work here?
CREATE INDEX LoopTroubles (PolicyID,AgentNo,Policy,CovCode)

This would enable an index only retrieval.

On Apr 24, 2017, at 8:26 AM, karentellef via RBASE-L 
<<>> wrote:


I had actually posted here on the list a few years ago when, as the business 
grew, our cursor (which used to process about 25K rows) started randomly 
crashing in the 30K or 40K range.  Several people here recommended to replace 
the while loop with goto/label, so that's what I did.  The goto works fine, so 
I'm not interested in revisiting a while loop.

I'm not understanding what you're suggesting on a temp table.  I would have to 
create a temp table that would hold probably 30K rows, and my "select into" 
would simply operate against a temp table rather than the permanent table.  Are 
you saying selecting against a temp table would be faster than a permanent 

One thing that I've asked permission to try -- that is to avoid a "declare 
cursor" altogether, which puts an hours-long "cursor lock" against a very 
heavily used table.
I'm thinking I could create a 40K row temp table with the policyID I'm to 
process (the PK), with an autonumber column, such as:
   1111  1
   1222  2
   3535  3

Then using my goto/label block, I could (just quick code here, not 100% right)
   set var vcount int = 1
   label top
   select policyid into vid from temptable where autonumbercol = .vcount
   if vid is null then ; quit ; return
   select ....   into .....  from policytable where policyid = .vid    (this 
replaces the "fetch")
   -- do all the "cursor" loop stuff
   set var vcount = (.vcount + 1)
   goto top

I don't know if this will speed up the code, but it prevents the routine from 
putting ANY locks on the main table.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Goldberg <<>>
To: rbase-l <<>>
Sent: Mon, Apr 24, 2017 8:34 am
Subject: RE: [RBASE-L] - Thoughts on speeding up a cursor?
I would find out why the while loop never completes. I have 9 level while loops 
for my BOM to break down the assemblies into a parts list that runs every night 
and it always runs.

There are many tricks on speeding up processing. Sometimes using temp tables to 
reduce the amount of items in the where clause usually speeds things up. This 
is only one of them I use.

Example, maybe use a temp table for the select statement below. I am assuming 
the select statement runs many times.

--create temp table to hold values filtering out the standard items
Create temp table tmpagtcomm (agentno integer, policy_no text, covcode integer)
Insert into tmpagtcomm select agentno, policy_no, covcode from agtcomm where 
polyr = 1 and agtcomm < 0 and paidtoagton is not null

--While loop
SELECT agtcomm INTO vtestagtcomm +
              FROM tmpagtcomm +
              WHERE agentno = .vagentno AND policy_no = .vpolicy_no +
              AND covcode = .vcovcode

This way it is not looking at all the where parameters which might slow it down.

Not sure if this helps. I usually trace it as well to see what is slowing it 

Dan Goldberg

From: karentellef via RBASE-L 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 6:14 AM
Subject: [RBASE-L] - Thoughts on speeding up a cursor?

I inherited a monster program.  It's 800 physical lines of code, separated like 

100 lines of pre-processing code before we set a cursor

600 lines of code that are within a DECLARE CURSOR that processes 40,000 
records.  We cannot use a "while" loop because it never completed, so we use a 
"goto / label" structure to move around, and it always completes fine.

100 lines of post-cursor code.

I am trying to speed up this cursor as it now takes hours to process.  There 
are no "run" statements within this program, no printing of reports other than 

Within that cursor loop, there are many "goto" statements to move around within 
that cursor loop.
My assumption:  when the program hits a "goto" command, it must run through 
every line of code, one line at a time, to find the "label".  It would go all 
the way to the end of the program, and if it cannot find the label, it then 
goes back up to line 1 of the program and scans every line until it finally 
hits the label.   In this program, sometimes these labels are after the goto, 
sometimes they are "above" it.

So question 1:  is my assumption correct?

If it is:  Let's say for readability that a line has been separated into 
multiple lines, such as this:
            SELECT agtcomm INTO vtestagtcomm +
              FROM agtcomm +
              WHERE agentno = .vagentno AND policy_no = .vpolicy_no +
              AND covcode = .vcovcode AND polyr = 1 AND agtcomm < 0 +
              AND paidtoagton IS NOT NULL

As it searches for a matching "label", is RBase evaluating 5 lines of code, one 
at a time?  Or is it "smart" enough to know it's one command and evaluates it 
just once?

So IOW: if I was to retype this command so that it takes just one really long 
line, or maybe just 2 lines, would it be "quicker" for RBase to search for a 
label?   I wouldn't normally be so anal about it, but when you're doing this 
40,000 times.....




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