
Sorry, I just realized from Javier's message that you indicated only 2 user out 
of X users having a problem sending email, so Javier does have a point that it 
may be related to specific users rather than a port issue.  If outgoing 
passwords are user specific, perhaps it is then a password issue on the 
affected machines.  Since Thunderbird email works on all machines, comparing 
the outgoing settings in Thunderbird on the offending machines with the code in 
Rbase email may reveal something.  Tracing the email code execution may help 
although it is simplistic, at least you can see the variables when they are 

Since Rbase basic email uses the un-encrypted Port 25 as default outgoing port, 
you may want to consider using a more secure email connection, which probably 
means using the Rbase Email pluggin, since if I recall correctly, the pluggin 
can send using TLS or SSL to meet the host's requirements.  The pluggin is also 
very useful in testing the email connection during setup or as needed.

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: rbase-l@googlegroups.com [mailto:rbase-l@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Javier Valencia
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 1:16 PM
To: rbase-l@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [RBASE-L] - Email


If only two of your users are having the issue it would appear that is not 
R:Base or e-mail related but user specific. Have the passwords been changed 
recently and not updated in the proper locations? Do the users in question have 
the proper privileges to access files, directories and applications?
Have you tried tracing the code at the offending workstations while monitoring 
variables and verifying they are correct? Most of the time when I have this 
type of issue I trace the code one line at the time and almost always I am able 
to find the offending code or missing/undefined variable.


Javier Valencia, PE
O: 913-829-0888
H: 913-397-9605
C: 913-915-3137
-----Original Message-----
From: rbase-l@googlegroups.com [mailto:rbase-l@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Carpet Broker, Dick Fey
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 4:07 PM
To: RBase Maillist
Subject: [RBASE-L] - Email

This is NOT actually an R:base issue, but is driving us completely nuts.

Many places in our R:base X application automatically sends out emails. 
(invoice, confirmations, etc)
We use the EMAIL ON code in the print command.  All the settings are drawn from 
a user table.
For years all worked fine, now 2 of our users cannot send emails, even though 
there have been no changes to the R:base code, nor to the email program itself. 
 We all use Thunderbird as our E:Mail client.
They have no problem sending or receiving mail directly from Thunderbird.

I have discussed with John Minyo tryng R:Mail, but he doesn't think that's 
going to solve our problem.

Anyone have a suggestion as to where I might look?

Dick Fey
Carpet Broker Inc.

Code is below:

   PRINT &vreport +
   |FILENAME &vattach +
   |EMAIL ON +
   |EMAIL_HOST mail.thecarpetbroker.COM +
   |EMAIL_USERID &vuseremail +
   |EMAIL_PASSWORD &vuserpw +
   |EMAIL_TO_LIST  &vmailto +
   |EMAIL_BCC_LIST &vmailme +
   |EMAIL_FROM_NAME Carpet Broker +
   |EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS &vuseremail +
   |EMAIL_SUBJECT  &vsubject +
   |EMAIL_BODY  &vbody +

Carpet Broker Inc
P: 913-894-9211
F: 913-894-0138

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