An On Click EEP in a Bit Button on a Variable Form successfully processes values entered into the form. The EEP is SUPPOSED to recycle FOCUS to the first variable control on the form:

BitButton: cid_bb_humptySaveAndNext
FormName:  humpty_frm
Target:    cid_vrg_humpty1

PROPERTY 'humpty_frm|cid_vrg_humpty1' SET_FOCUS 'TRUE'

... but, it does not.

Grasping at a straw, I tried:

PROPERTY 'humpty_frm|cid_vrg_humpty1' SET_FOCUS 'TRUE'
PROPERTY cid_bb_humptySaveAndNext MAKECLICK ' '

... to no effect, meaning I likely don't understand the proper context for MAKECLICK.

Just how DOES one reset the FOCUS from one control to another?

Many thanks, Bruce

Bruce A. Chitiea
SafeSectors, Inc.
112 Harvard Ave #272
Claremont CA 91711-4716
+011 (909) 238-9012 c
+011 (909) 912-8678 f

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