Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and do a conversion. A few year ago, I 
did a big rewrite of most of the code I had, in some cases, since the 1980s and 
1990, particularly code written in the days of the hybrid DOS-Windows versions 
(6.*). The entire application  is now more streamlined and not only more 
efficient and faster but a lot easier to maintain. Gone are the cryptic lines 
of code full of abbreviations that took time to follow when you had to modify. 
I have now all commands fully spelled out and capitalized with lots of comments 
and the code is now considerably easier to follow; essentially all my code is 
now contained in forms and repetitive code is store in a table and I can call 
it from anywhere in the application…zero external code files. RStyle helps but 
I have now made a habit of following certain coding practices that simplify 
future maintenance. Just my 2 cents…
Javier Valencia, PE
From: 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L <> 
Sent: Thursday, December 9, 2021 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - X.5E Upgrade woes
Hi Randy,
I might have done that in 1994, but now I have so many forms, cmd files and 
eeps relying on the 11 characters that I wpuldn't dream of it.  Plus it's part 
of a key in many of our tables.  
At this point, we are holding things together for the short-term.  We are 
looking for a new database and I'm retiring after the conversion.  
Thank you for your help, though.
On Monday, December 6, 2021, 12:38:11 PM EST, Randyp < 
<> > wrote: 
At this point it might make more sense to change your field to an integer 
9-digit field and a primary key. 
All your reports and forms can be set to automatically format adding hyphens in 
the expected locations. 
If you like to see that column with dashes, it can easily be done with a 
computed column, or by creating a view. 
I believe that will simplify everything in the future, and solve the conversion 
issues you describe. 
Having a simple and consistent approach will pay off long term. 
All the best,
Randy Peterson
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2021, at 7:11 AM, 'Jim Belisle' via RBASE-L < 
<> > wrote:
It maybe someone else can guide you better than myself. I just did a quick 
adaptation on a form, I added the table columns and form variables in a test 
DB, and got the results you had wanted. I did not use the var in other fields 
or calculations and did no further testing. Sorry if I steered you wrong.  
James Belisle
Making Information Systems People Friendly Since 1990
From: 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L < 
<> > 
Sent: Sunday, December 5, 2021 2:09 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - X.5E Upgrade woes
Whoops, no it's not saving it with the dashes.  I think when you convert a 
database, it doesn't really modify the way any forms work until you edit and 
save a form again using the new version.
On Sunday, December 5, 2021, 03:03:14 PM EST, 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L 
< <> > wrote: 
Hello Javier,
I think Jim Belisle solved that issue for me.  I must have found a glitch in 
Rbase 10 and my formatted data was saved in the table with the dashes, despite 
the format mask being wrong.  I was using 000\-00\-0000;0;  Now that I'm using 
10.5E, it seems to work differently.  
But it is still saving the data in the table with the dashes  - all 11 
characters, which is what I wanted.  Now that I'm writing this email, I 
realized it's still not working like one would expect, but then things always 
ork screwy for me.
On Sunday, December 5, 2021, 01:17:54 PM EST, < 
<> > wrote: 
A couple of thoughts about it
First, your code remind me of the time when memory was at a premium and we had 
to sue shorthand to save memory and storage; that is no longer the case A while 
back, I took the time to rewrite a lot of my old code to adapt to the new 
standards and to make it so is legible and easy to follow by any one working on 
the code.
I would start by rewriting the code to include the new syntax
                SET VAR vCase = NULL
                SET VAR vCase = CASENUM IN CASEID WHERE SSNUM = .vssnum
I believe R:Style, when properly configure will do a lot of it for you.
Now a couple of question:
Is vssnum defined before the snippet above and if so, how is it defined or is 
this the value entered in the form?
Can your TRACE the code and see:
What is the value of vssnum before you hit the first line
If it is not NULL, what is the value of vssnum and vCase before and after you 
execute line 4? Is it retrieving the right information for vCase?
This should give you an idea of where the value is changed, at least in the 
code provided.
Also, if you are always using just 9 digits for SSN, why do you have the column 
defined as being 11 characters?
Javier Valencia, PE
From: 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L < 
<> > 
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2021 11:54 AM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - X.5E Upgrade woes
I have traced it and watched the variable vssnum.  That is how I knew that the 
dashes were missing.  
I made a mistake in my first email.  I set the variable vssnum=SSNum when I 
defined variables, and then I used vssnum in my EEP.  
I attached a screen snip from the form and my variables,  then one from the 
formatting of the field, then one of my eep.  The eep doesn't work because my 
dashes are not in vssnum.  
On Saturday, December 4, 2021, 12:24:13 PM EST, 'Jim Belisle' via RBASE-L 
< <> > wrote: 
You state in the first question, “I set a variable vss = SSNum in an eep that 
is run when you exit the SSNum field”.  Could you show me the SET VAR command 
for this variable?
Also I would trace your form so you can look at the variable vss and see what 
it looks like as you go through the form fields. This way you can see if the 
var is correct on the exit EEP and if it is correct, see when it changes. 
James Belisle
Making Information Systems People Friendly Since 1990
From: 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L < 
<> > 
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2021 10:55 AM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - X.5E Upgrade woes
Yes, the de clerk is only entering digits.  
No, the table field has no formatting.  It is just a text field 11 characters 
long.  It always worked ok and it still is saved correctly in the table.
In the data-entry form, it displays the number with the formatting, and it 
saves it in the table with formatting.  But it's in between those events where 
it looses the dashes.  And in never did in previous versions.
I use SSNum in other parts of the form  to look up and plug in other info so 
the DE clerk doesn't have to enter it.  But it suddently has no dashes until 
after we hit save.
On Saturday, December 4, 2021, 11:39:03 AM EST, 'Jim Belisle' via RBASE-L 
< <> > wrote: 
Some questions:
1.      Is the entry person entering the info using just the numerical SS#. 
Ex. I enter 123456789 but the form is formatted so it shows 123-45-6789.
2.      Does the table field where the SS# is saved also have the same format 
so the info will always show the numerals with the dashes? Below you will see 
the table column (testcompute) is a computed column using the expression that 
combines in this instance two columns in the table.
In your table I would think, if the entry person just enters the numerals of 
the SS#, the table column in a text field that is also a computed column. 
James Belisle
Making Information Systems People Friendly Since 1990
From: 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L < 
<> > 
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:46 AM
To: <> ; <> 
Subject: Re: [RBASE-L] - X.5E Upgrade woes
CAUTION:This is an EXTERNAL EMAIL, STOP! and think before clicking on any links 
or opening attachments. 
Problem #1 below.  It is losing the formatting anytime I use SSNum in the 
variable definitions in the whole form.  It saves it with the dashes.  It 
displays it with the dashes, but everywhere else it is without dashes.  
Help.  I have dozens of forms that use the SSNum as a means for lookups from 
another table.
I hope there is a fix.
On Saturday, December 4, 2021, 10:35:08 AM EST, 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L 
< <> > wrote: 
I need to clarify #2 problem below.  It didn't stop in the middle of printing a 
report.  I ran a command file and I set output filename with screen and had 
Echo on.  It disconnected in the middle of printing a line in my file.  It 
disconnect halfway thru printing someone's SS#.
On Friday, December 3, 2021, 07:34:48 PM EST, 'Patti Jakusz' via RBASE-L 
< <> > wrote: 
Hello Rbase Pros,
We just finally upgraded from Rbase X to X.5 Enterprise and now I have problems.
1)  I have forms that have formatted fields, using Input format masks.  Our 
SSNum has dashes in it and it's stored that way in the database.  I have a form 
where people enter the data for women referred to our program.  SSNum shows up 
on the screen with dashes.  When I save it in the table it has dashes.  But 
when I use use it in an eep before saving the record, the dashes are gone.  
I set a variable vss = SSNum in an eep that is run when you exit the SSNum 
field.  This is the point where the dashes disappear.  I need to use it for the 
next field, which has a pop-up menu using .vss
I know I can fix it by adding more code, but I hate to think of all the places 
this might occur.  Is this a bug?  Does it have a fix?  Has anyone else 
experienced this?  (I know I'm the only person in the world who stores SS# with 
dashes, but I do.)   This worked fine in all previous versions.
2. We now have a remote server, instead of one on-site.  Rbase disconnects 
users from the database at random times.  It has nothing to do with inactivity. 
 I've had it disconnect me in the middle of printing a line in a report.  It 
happens in the middle of data-entry.  They  enter a bunch of small records.  
Then the next record there is no connection to the database.  It's crazy.  The 
server says we are not being dropped.  But Rbase says we are.
Anyone else have this problem?
Thank you!!
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