On Sep 27, 2009, at 11:29 PM, usuk2007 wrote:

> I just don't see the need for the quick release gizmos, it only takes
> a few moments to unhook a saddlebag and attach it again using the
> regular saddle loops.

That's a nuisance, especially if you have put the buckles inside the  
bag to snug it up against the saddle.  You have to open the bag, move  
the contents out of the way, do gymnastics to see or blindly undo the  
buckles by feel, drag the slightly oversized straps through the slots  
in the saddle, etc., etc.  If you're going to be removing and  
installing the bag a few times a day, some sort of QR system is helpful.

I don't like the Bagman, the Carradice SQR, etc.  They look like  
designs asking to fail at some point due to the long lever with teh  
weight of the bag at the far end.  And they just look kludgy to my  
eyes.  Thus far I have only seen three QR systems I like- the old  
Jobst Brandt/Peter Johnson system which has been updated by  
Rivendell, a much older English version of similar but simpler design  
which had a keyed rod that fit into a frame and served as a support  
to hold and pull-pin to release the bag, and a system sort of like a  
stoker stem with a mounting plate for the bag on the end of the  
"stem."  The latter has the advantage of making a rigid connection  
between the bag and the bike.  Local guy Mark Stonich made a slick  
one out of an old seat lug and top tube from a ruined frame, with the  
seat lug slipping over the seat post and the section of top tube  
extending behind the bike- nice way to re-purpose something that  
would have gone to a landfill otherwise.



I haven't been able to find a photo of the old British version, might  
have been made by Karrimor.

My solution is that my Carradice Nelson Longflap just stays on the  
bike.  Anything I need to take with me out of the saddle bag is in a  
stuff sack or some other easily removed container.

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