
There is also the Zeroth law, which takes precedence over the other three.

0.  A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come
to harm.

Of course, these are built into the positronic brain, which does not yet


On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 6:05 AM, Curtis McKenzie <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Just a quick note about the "self-driving" cars.
> Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"
>    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a
>    human being to come to harm.
>    2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such
>    orders would conflict with the First Law.
>    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection
>    does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
> Oh my!
> Curtis "who thinks there is more to this story"
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 5:46 AM, Jim Bronson <>
> wrote:
>> I would trust Google with this technology more than Uber.  Uber has shown
>> quite frequently that they push the envelope on what is legal and what is
>> moral.  Google's stated philosophy is "first, do no harm".  Pretty big
>> difference there.
>> I don't know if perception is reality, but it seems to me that Google has
>> put the most work and the most time into the field.  My built in bias would
>> be that I live in Austin and have many relatives in the Bay Area, which I
>> visit frequently.  These are both places where Google has tested their
>> autonomous driving cars, so I have personally seen many more of them.  I
>> have encountered the Google cars while riding my bike in Austin, in fact.
>> Overall I am in favor of self driving cars, because human drivers are
>> just so bad.  My round-trip daily commute is from 1:15-2:00 so I get a full
>> dose of horrendous human drivers every day.
>> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 8:58 PM, Jim M. <> wrote:
>>> On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 3:58:21 PM UTC-7, Steve Palincsar wrote:
>>>> Since computer driven cars are basically still in the laboratory
>>> I'm not going to argue that autonomous cars are ready for prime time,
>>> but they're still in the lab only if you consider the streets of Mountain
>>> View, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the road around Lake Tahoe the lab.
>>> Google cars alone have driven 2 million miles in those areas and others. To
>>> date, most, if not all, of the accidents they have been in were caused by
>>> human drivers of other cars.

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