Interesting new scars?! Did you get hit by a car???

I’ve been wanting to chime back in here again about more new things I’m 

1. I despise vehicles. I thought I disliked them before but I despise them now. 
It’s been quieter on the roads and I’ve been enjoying audiobooks with my air 
pods, and you know what? Cars go screaming by me so loudly that I can’t hear my 
books. And my Apple Watch alerts me that the decibels I’m experiencing will 
cause eventual hearing loss. I wonder how many of us have or will have some 
damage to our hearing from the noise of traffic.

2. While I’d never hurt a pedestrian, I am in favor of making them 
uncomfortable when they deserve it. Now, I am sure some of you will want to 
chastise me, but don’t bother because it will fall on my increasingly deaf ears.

I usually have the paths to myself, but in quarantine people are out in droves. 
Initially, I’d smooth over all the situations where pedestrians were wildly out 
of etiquette. I was out there apologizing when they were in the wrong lane and 
I was approaching, more apologizing when they didn’t understand the bell, 
apologizing when their off-leash dog lunged for me in passing, apologizing if 
they startled as I passed by...  Now I’m getting tougher out there, because 
I’ve had enough.

Last night, I’m on a paved MUP and the couple in front of me (and their dog) 
are taking up the ENTIRE path. This path is WIDE, meant for two-way traffic, 
and the couple’s roving was extreme. He’s one one side, she and the dog are on 
the other and all 3 of them are weaving. Though this MUP is a 2-way, I cannot 
pass by.  I’m riding uphill and hate to break momentum, but I slow waaaayyyy 
down and wait for them to notice me. The husband darts off to the right and the 
wife looks irritated with me and freezes. I ride by silently and slowly, 
refusing to diffuse the situation with words or a smile.  I’m sure they felt 
caught off-guard. I’m sure it was uncomfortable. Good. They are on a shared 
path and they aren’t sharing. After being startled maybe they’ll pay attention 
and be courteous.

Now, if you are a child, anything goes. Those little buggers are out there with 
their scooters, bikes, plasma cars, strollers, wagons and Power Wheels. They’re 
careening all over and veering and swerving and causing mayhem. 

And I will smile and wave at them all. 🥰 Go wild, munchkins!

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> On Apr 25, 2020, at 5:57 PM, aeroperf <> wrote:

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> On Apr 25, 2020, at 5:57 PM, aeroperf <> wrote:

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