That's just in Patrick, there is just substitute for freshly baked bread. 
Myself I would leave whatever portion I'd eat for a day or 2, then freeze 
the rest the same day as baking. Don't wait until it starts going stale to 
freeze it. All frozen/canned food processors do their work with freshly 
cooked goods. I grew up a few blocks from a Libby's canning factory, with 
it's distinctive Corn Cob water tower. Every summer come harvest season 
local truck after truck would bring the beets, peas, sweet corn and carrots 
and such at peak ripe season. We'd walk down and get a dozen ears o' corn 
for literally pennies and wow was it great !  Since the cannery was so 
close, in the summer at night the "mischievous brothers" and I would go 
there and they'd start throwing these whoppin' huge carrots at each 
other....not to mention all the tomatoes in the shadows of the night while 
roaming about the back yards. Come to think of they were always propelling 
something, be it rocks, pine cones, apples and whatever they could get 
their hands on.... prolly because one of their parents was so coldly strict 
this was their only form of release from the constricting wrath of 
dictatorship from within the walls of their prison/home. Here's to you 
John, Matt and Christopher !!!! 

Back to baking and freezing though... my Mom growing was always making food 
to put in our deep chest freezer. She used to make these raisin filled 
pastry type cookies that were to die for. I've still never seen or heard of 
anything like them. She'd even do bone broths and soups for winter time. Oh 
she also made jams and jellies with fresh local fruits like Crabapples, 
Plums, Berries and Apples from a local orchard. I had most wonderful peanut 
butter and jelly sandwiches for lunches ! 

Isn't this the adventure of Life .... you just never know where It's 
going/happening. One minute you're baking bread and wondering how to store 
it .... the next you're in the midst of summer in a corn field... and for a 
one little moment you wonder "how did I get *here* ?" ..... and in the next 
breath ... "does it really matter ?" ..... heeheehee ... nope .... not one 
bit. You know .... I hear lots about "going on adventures ... go here, go 
there .... go go go ...... but with a keen eye ..... it's becomes obvious 
the "adventure" ... is "you" .... like a seed that sprouts all by Itself 
and on the instant ... "the World" appears in 
IT-Self-Celebratory-Magnificence.  Yes ..... this is IT, and IT is this. 

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