I'm glad to hear the shop owner will make things right and I hope those 
polished Racers surface sometime soon. They are lovely looking brakes. But 
I wonder if the RH brakes would be an acceptable compromise? They do have 
the virtue of being available and if your current brakes are scratched, but 
still functionally fine, maybe you could sell them at a discounted price.


About Roadinis or any other current Riv frame offering...I know Will and co 
are selling them unprepped to move them and I didn't necessarily see 
prepping as an option , but it is available for a fee isn't it?

On Friday, September 23, 2022 at 11:57:11 PM UTC-5 J J wrote:

> Piaw, the installation in question was the fenders, not the Racer brakes, 
> which are not too arduous to install. The damaged brake was a casualty of 
> the mechanic ostensibly fixing a poor fender installation. And yes, 
> installing fenders had seemed challenging and overly time consuming for me 
> — that’s why I paid someone to do it on the Wilbury. 
> But since that ordeal, I forced myself to actually install a new set of 
> fenders on my Hunq to accommodate fatter tires. I’m happy to say that I now 
> feel totally comfortable doing it (though they are still fussy and a pain 
> to install, however easy Mark makes it look in the video. I must have 
> watched it 10 times!).
> Ryan, I have to give credit where it is due, and the shop owner, who works 
> in a different city, was apologetic when he learned about what happened. He 
> reached out to me and genuinely wanted to make things right. He committed 
> to replacing the brakes. The challenge is actually *finding* new Racers, 
> and so far none have appeared. (If anyone reading this has polished Racers 
> they want to part with, please let me know!)
> I told the owner that the mechanic seemed so enthusiastic about working on 
> a Rivendell. The owner said, “and therein lies the problem. Sure, everyone 
> will be bright eyed and bushy tailed about working on such a bike, but that 
> does not mean they are qualified to do everything and anything on them.” I 
> appreciated his forthrightness, but it raised the question of why the shop 
> would assign the work to someone who wasn’t necessarily qualified to do it 
> right. 
> Corwin, thanks so much for your note. Your characterization of Mark’s work 
> as high art is absolutely apropos. He’s also incredibly accessible and 
> generous with his time, help, and advice (as is everyone I have ever 
> interacted with at Rivendell).
> Best wishes all. 
> On Friday, September 23, 2022 at 10:58:36 PM UTC-4 cz...@sonic.net wrote:
>> Here, here JJ! I agree completely. Having Mark do the build and set up my 
>> bikes is one of the main reasons I buy bikes from Rivendell. Mark raises 
>> wrenching on bikes to a very high form of art.
>> Regards,
>> Corwin
>> On Friday, September 23, 2022 at 3:15:28 PM UTC-7 Ryan wrote:
>>> Believe me...I was not best pleased, you may be sure
>>> BTW, J J, I hope that you presented that bike shop with a bill for that 
>>> rear brake you went to so much effort to find and they reimbursed you 
>>> without demur. Those Paul Racers are not cheap. I see on my 2016 invoice 
>>> for my mixte custom...assembled by Mark Abele (go with the best 😊) the 
>>> Racers were 288.00. Mark's labor was 220.00 + 50.00 for fender installation 
>>> , and in my opinion, worth every penny. I am more than happy to pay  top 
>>> dollar for first-class work. On the other hand , the vanishing skewer 
>>> probably speaks to not properly overseeing a junior mechanic's work , if 
>>> I'm being charitable. I do know the shop's owner and he's a good guy who 
>>> does a lot for cycling in the city, and I am reasonably sure that if I had 
>>> been able to source a new rear skewer and showed him a receipt, he would 
>>> have probably given me credit or cash, which would have been fine. Anyone 
>>> can make a mistake; it's what the maker of the mistake does to remedy it 
>>> that's important
>>> On Friday, September 23, 2022 at 3:54:29 PM UTC-5 J J wrote:
>>>> That sucks about the 501 skewers, Ryan. Awful. 
>>>> A local shop once serviced a bike (and did a “safety check”) and when I 
>>>> picked it up I noticed that the quick release skewer springs and adjusting 
>>>> nut were missing from the front wheel. They just pushed the skewer through 
>>>> the axle without clamping it down.
>>>> On Friday, September 23, 2022 at 3:21:32 PM UTC-4 Ryan wrote:
>>>>> Yikes! I would be PISSED! That's inexcusable.
>>>>> A few years ago I took in a set of wheels with Mavic 501 hubs with a 
>>>>> couple of other pairs of wheels  for some truing to a local BS and when I 
>>>>> picked them up, the rear wheel  Mavic QR skewer was inexplicably missing. 
>>>>> Just...gone. Phoned said bike shop, and no... they couldn't find it. 
>>>>> Offered a replacement skewer, and BTW , 501 skewers are not easy to 
>>>>> find...although I have not checked recently, so I just used an old Campy 
>>>>> skewer. 
>>>>> No, I'm not cool with having that bike shop do more work for me
>>>>> On Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 2:21:29 PM UTC-5 J J wrote:
>>>>>> We lost it, Joe. In the immediate aftermath, a quiet hush descended 
>>>>>> over the entire shop because everyone was shocked by what happened. And 
>>>>>> then it was like, wtf?!? 
>>>>>> The shop's first response was an unsatisfying and defensive, "it was 
>>>>>> an honest mistake," and they would have been content to settle it with a 
>>>>>> mere apology. After a lot of negotiation, the shop agreed to reimburse 
>>>>>> for 
>>>>>> labor and to replace the brakes — but good luck finding polished (or any 
>>>>>> other finish) NOS Racers. It's been three months since it happened and 
>>>>>> I've 
>>>>>> heard nothing but crickets. So I was super pleased with Eric's message 
>>>>>> about Paul Component resuming Racer production.
>>>>>> It had taken me nine months to find the brakes — scouring the 
>>>>>> interwebs, cold calling dozens of bike shops all over the country, 
>>>>>> putting 
>>>>>> out WTB posts. Finally a set appeared in an eBay auction listing. I 
>>>>>> preempted the auction by offering the seller a (very) pretty penny for 
>>>>>> them. I wanted those brakes.
>>>>>> Now... I have not lost perspective. This ordeal was upsetting, but it 
>>>>>> was not an issue of grave existential importance. Still, these things 
>>>>>> matter to bike nerds and to nerds in the making.
>>>>>> Getting back to the original theme of this thread, I'll reiterate 
>>>>>> that if I had the option, I would gladly and enthusiastically pay 
>>>>>> Rivendell 
>>>>>> to do any frame prep, builds, etc. over any of my local bike shops, even 
>>>>>> if 
>>>>>> it meant waiting a while.
>>>>>> On Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 2:26:36 PM UTC-4 pi...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Indeed. That's really appalling. I'm so glad my LBS is competent 
>>>>>>> like that and would tell me if they can't actually do the work. T
>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 11:05:04 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> That's appalling, I would have LOST it if someone did this to my 
>>>>>>>> (very expensive) Paul brakes. They owe you a new Racer. 
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 10:59:25 AM UTC-7 J J wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Sorry, just noticed your note on this week-old thread, Piaw. Yes, 
>>>>>>>>> I totally agree that anyone can make mistakes. I also think there is 
>>>>>>>>> a big 
>>>>>>>>> difference between a genuinely innocent mistake and negligence, 
>>>>>>>>> recklessness, or incompetence. (Ignoring specific instructions that 
>>>>>>>>> were in 
>>>>>>>>> earshot of the entire shop is an unfortunate instance of negligence.)
>>>>>>>>>  Where you draw the line is debatable and depends on 
>>>>>>>>> circumstances. For me the big gash, scratches, and dings on brand new 
>>>>>>>>> brakes, as shown in the attached pic, unequivocably cross the line. 
>>>>>>>>> The 
>>>>>>>>> mechanic attempted to bend the fender hanger tab with pliers while 
>>>>>>>>> pushing 
>>>>>>>>> off the brake bridge and arm, using them as leverage, as the entire 
>>>>>>>>> shop 
>>>>>>>>> looked on with shock, and despite the fact that he was asked to do it 
>>>>>>>>> properly. It wouldn't have been as big a deal if the Racers were 
>>>>>>>>> readily 
>>>>>>>>> available (as they evidently will be again in a few months), but this 
>>>>>>>>> shouldn't have happened regardless. 
>>>>>>>>> [image: IMG_6141.jpg]   
>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 1:15:28 PM UTC-4 
>>>>>>>>> pi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone can make mistakes. When we got my wife's 
>>>>>>>>>> Rivendell-assembled Cheviot a few years back, I ended up having to 
>>>>>>>>>> re-tighten the FD, and had to adjust the shifters several times. 
>>>>>>>>>> It's not a 
>>>>>>>>>> big deal. I'd be a lot less forgiving of frame prep failures. I'm a 
>>>>>>>>>> good 
>>>>>>>>>> enough mechanic that I can build wheels myself (and used to teach 
>>>>>>>>>> wheel-building workshops), but my definite preference is for parts 
>>>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>>>> bikes that are "fire and forget". But I'm also blessed to have good 
>>>>>>>>>> mechanics at LBSes for times when I can't or don't have time to fix 
>>>>>>>>>> something myself. I still try to do work myself since frequently 
>>>>>>>>>> they're 
>>>>>>>>>> much more aggressive about replacing parts like brake pads too early 
>>>>>>>>>> than I 
>>>>>>>>>> am.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9:39:10 AM UTC-7 J J wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I would happily pay extra for Riv to prep a frame. I have 
>>>>>>>>>>> absolute confidence in their work. There are lots of bike shops in 
>>>>>>>>>>> my area 
>>>>>>>>>>> that I have gone to when I didn’t have the time, tools, or 
>>>>>>>>>>> inclination to 
>>>>>>>>>>> do work myself. I’m stunned by how consistently they can be counted 
>>>>>>>>>>> on for 
>>>>>>>>>>> sloppy work — or worse. 
>>>>>>>>>>> The most recent example was a fender installation on a Wilbury 
>>>>>>>>>>> on which we had just installed a NOS set of Paul Racers (the hard 
>>>>>>>>>>> to find 
>>>>>>>>>>> polished version). I told the shop that Rivendell has a detailed 
>>>>>>>>>>> video 
>>>>>>>>>>> showing fender installation and could they please check it out and 
>>>>>>>>>>> follow 
>>>>>>>>>>> Mark’s method. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Long story as short as I can make it: the eager, wide-eyed 
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanic who wanted to work on the bike because he “loves 
>>>>>>>>>>> Rivendells”  did it his way, anyway. The fender hanger tab that 
>>>>>>>>>>> bolts onto 
>>>>>>>>>>> the brake hole on the fork was unevenly bent and rubbing against 
>>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>>> headset as the handlebar moved back and forth. We took it back to 
>>>>>>>>>>> have them 
>>>>>>>>>>> fix it, and in full view of several employees, including the shop 
>>>>>>>>>>> manager, 
>>>>>>>>>>> the mechanic tried to bend the tab back using the Racer as leverage 
>>>>>>>>>>> for his 
>>>>>>>>>>> pliers. He did this despite my partner telling him “shouldn’t you 
>>>>>>>>>>> take it 
>>>>>>>>>>> off before you do that?” He totally ignored her, and in a second he 
>>>>>>>>>>> put a 
>>>>>>>>>>> gash into the the brake bridge. Now we’re not precious about nicks 
>>>>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>>>>> scratches. But this was a deep gash on a brand new set of rare 
>>>>>>>>>>> Racers, and 
>>>>>>>>>>> it was horrible. It’s painful even recalling it. I regret that 
>>>>>>>>>>> I didn’t intervene before he ruined it (though again, he ignored my 
>>>>>>>>>>> partner, which could be another story for another thread about the 
>>>>>>>>>>> contempt 
>>>>>>>>>>> and condescension with which many LBS mechanics and sales people 
>>>>>>>>>>> treat 
>>>>>>>>>>> women). 
>>>>>>>>>>> I think we have mythologized local bike shops. Sure, I’ve had 
>>>>>>>>>>> some great experiences. But the proof of the pudding is always in 
>>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>>> tasting, and recent experiences left me with extreme, long lasting 
>>>>>>>>>>>  bitterness. Local shops have forgotten to reattach brake cables 
>>>>>>>>>>> after a 
>>>>>>>>>>> service, left the quick release skewers very loose, stripped 
>>>>>>>>>>> threads, made 
>>>>>>>>>>> adjustments worse, I could go on and on — basic stuff that should 
>>>>>>>>>>> not 
>>>>>>>>>>> happen and that have safety implications. It’s to the point that 
>>>>>>>>>>> the only 
>>>>>>>>>>> “local” shop I trust anymore is about 50 miles away, even though I 
>>>>>>>>>>> have at 
>>>>>>>>>>> least 5 shops within walking distance, a few blocks from where I 
>>>>>>>>>>> live. I 
>>>>>>>>>>> don’t want shops to use my bikes for training mechanics. It’s too 
>>>>>>>>>>> unreliable. On top of that, the local shops’ labor rates are not 
>>>>>>>>>>> less than 
>>>>>>>>>>> Rivendell’s rates, and in my area, they are often *more*, 
>>>>>>>>>>> adding insult to injury. For me it’s a no-brainer to pay Rivendell 
>>>>>>>>>>> to do 
>>>>>>>>>>> the work, pay extra for repacking, and so on. I don’t mean to rag 
>>>>>>>>>>> on LBSs, 
>>>>>>>>>>> though. I’m just sharing my actual experiences and thoughts. 
>>>>>>>>>>> I suppose one good outcome of these crappy experiences is that 
>>>>>>>>>>> it’s compelled me to invest in tools and put in time to learn 
>>>>>>>>>>> skills. This 
>>>>>>>>>>> forum has been a great educator, too. So thanks, forum!! I’m sorry 
>>>>>>>>>>> this 
>>>>>>>>>>> veered a lot from the original post topic. 
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 11:27:04 AM UTC-4 Joe 
>>>>>>>>>>> Bernard wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't even know where my LBS is, I work on my own bikes. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> assume Riv is still prepping their frames for an extra fee, I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> would pay it. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 8:22:57 AM UTC-7 
>>>>>>>>>>>> pi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 8:15 AM Joe Bernard <joer...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To be clear cuz I'm the OP and this is going to reflect on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me, I'm not sad about anything. My concern is we're going to end 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unprepped frames on the used market that unsuspecting buyers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> won't know 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to be prepped. It wasn't the main point of my post, which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there's a new Roadini frame out there people can buy. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm surprised at the number of people here who can't trust 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> their LBS to prep a frame. Is it because the modern CF/AL frames 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepping? I certainly don't have a frame alignment table or a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> derailleur 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hanger straightener, much less the tool required to prep a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> headtube prior 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to installing headset and fork. It's been years since I carried a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> headset 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrench while touring as well. But I recently had trouble with one 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kids' bikes not indexing correctly no matter what I did. Took it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the LBS 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and they diagnosed it as a bent hanger. They fixed it and then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decided not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to charge me since their credit card machine was broken. 

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