I work in Wayne County.  Even though I'm rarely in Detroit proper, all my 
customers are automotive companies, so think of me working in Detroit.  My 
office is in Livonia.

BL in EC

On Monday, October 31, 2022 at 7:22:29 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Bill, you flatter me. I will do my best, with the driving hope of APPROVE 
> in your response.  Also, I drove by Jackson en route to Philedelphia - 
> isn’t that where you’re spending a lot of your work weeks? Ok, on to the 
> tale…
> I set out from Michigan early Friday morning. I had been in contact with 
> several of my RivSisters before the event; see, the bike world thinks the 
> Expo is about bikes but the RivSisters know that the Expo is actually a 
> RivSister Reunion. We were anxious to meet in real life, hug each other’s 
> necks and to descend upon the Riv Staff and love them up, too. Roberta was 
> the first RivSister I encountered as she had arranged to meet me in 
> Harrisburg, which was on my way and only 2 hours from Philedelphia. We 
> sipped coffee and shared the drive as we made our way to Philedelphia. We 
> unloaded the Racing Platypus and were horrified to see this - pictured 
> below is Roberta’s disembodied hand holding my snapped kickstand:
> [image: image0.jpeg]
> But, it is good to have RivSisters because she called Keystone Bikes and 
> they said they would bring me a new kickstand to the Expo in the morning. I 
> still don’t know how I managed to snap that kickstand. And if you’ve ever 
> had a kickstand and then tried to live without one, well, I know your 
> agony. 
> Saturday morning a group of us met for a ride through Philedelphia that 
> would end at the Expo. The Rivendells in attendance all belonged to the 
> RivSisters. Pam, on her legendary 47 cm Betty Foy, replete with beausage 
> and sporting a new My Little Pony hood ornament that she found out on the 
> road somewhere; Leah, who realized her unintentional sartorial sin when 
> every piece of clothing she donned was raspberry, on the 55cm 
>  kickstand-less Racing Platypus; Roberta on her 55 cm Safety Yellow 
> Platypus (more is more!); and Melanie, on her borrowed (Roberta) (51 cm?) 
> Homer. Here we are on the steps that Rocky ran up in those movies I’ve 
> never seen. Alas, the photo was taken by a man; a woman would have never 
> let her shadow impinge upon this fabulous photo set up we arranged. 
> [image: image1.jpeg]
> We ended the ride at the Expo. There was fabulous bike valet parking 
> inside the Convention Center, but I put my bike in the elevator to take it 
> to Keystone for the promised kickstand. Here is the best elevator bike 
> portrait ever taken:
> [image: image2.jpeg]
> I wheeled my bike onto the expo floor and heard my name called. It was 
> Vince-of-Rivendell! Sweet, smiling as always with that smile that goes all 
> the way up to his eyes, he said, I’ll take you to Keystone; they’re in the 
> booth next to us. Shortly after, the rest of the RivSisters appeared and we 
> hugged the necks of Vince, Will, James and Rich. Here is the worst photo we 
> could have taken. It is good of exactly *no one.* I think Kate (hidden 
> from view)is preparing to stand on a folding chair, which is making Will 
> and Vince nervous.
> [image: image3.jpeg]
> Luckily, we had more than one shot.
> [image: image4.jpeg]
> When Rich came over later, we got one with him:
> [image: image6.jpeg]
> From there on, we went to the booths and saw more friendly faces. Here’s 
> my fellow Michigander, Jeff Jacobi, of Velocity USA out of Grand Rapids, 
> Michigan!
> [image: image7.jpeg]
> And here’s Debra of Rivet Cycle Works, who made the gorgeous ivory Sonora 
> that adorns my Racing Platypus. She is a complete LOVE. You know how when 
> some people hug you they really mean it? This hug went all the way to the 
> face. See here:
> [image: image8.jpeg]
> Kate Gilson came (her 50 cm mermaid Platy did not) and she does this 
> hilarious thing she calls #publicrestroomreflectionseries where she takes 
> photos in public bathrooms and posts them. She wanted one with her 
> RivSisters, which we accomplished here:
> [image: image10.jpeg]
> It is interesting to note that the only woman with the distinction of 
> having met the other women was Roberta. She had met all of us at different 
> places and times but the rest of us were acquainted only through Instagram 
> and the List. So, even though we are RivSisters, this was our first meeting 
> and it was like we had known each other for years. Kate is a retired NICU 
> nurse and has expressive green eyes and big energy. Melanie is quiet, just 
> like you’d expect a life-long librarian to be. Still waters run deep. She 
> has the most bikes of all of us.  I am fairly transparent, so hopefully 
> they found me to be what I am online. Like Kate, I’m a nurse, and I work in 
> the perioperative world. Pam is a former financial advisor who is 
> singularly focused on getting everyone on their bikes. She can do anything 
> on a 47 cm Betty Foy. It is interesting to note here that I got asked 
> several times, “Are you Pam?” I’m not sure how they confused us, but I’m 
> not sad about it!  Roberta is the connector and served us well as our 
> resident local who planned our rides, organized our meeting, scored her 
> hapless RivSister a kickstand, and even came all the way to Harrisburg so 
> we could share the last two hours of my drive together.
> We had lunch together at the convention center and a man approached us and 
> asked, “Can I sit at your table?” We looked like a safe enough group. But 
> only until he revealed that he is a 100% carbon guy. Pam was on him quicker 
> than a jackrabbit on a date. She jumped right on that opportunity (which is 
> less offensive delivered in her southern accent) to tell him “We don’t like 
> carbon fiber. It’s not good for the environment. We like STEEL. Have you 
> ridden steel? We’re the RivSisters and we all have Rivendells. My bike is 
> just over there. You can try it out. Come ride it.” The poor guy was 
> defenseless. Pamela Murray is 5 Foot Nothing of solid determination. Of all 
> the places to sit, he chose the table with the Women of Rivendell. You have 
> to feel a little sorry for the guy.
> That night Pam took us all to dinner. Pictured here are a lot of her 
> friends from Cycling Savvy, as well as James, Will, and Vince from 
> Rivendell, and four of the RivSisters. 
> [image: image11.jpeg]
> After that, a group of 24 riders met at the Convention Center for a night 
> ride to Keystone Bikes for the after party. I have the most scandalous 
> video that you simply must see to believe, incriminating footage of the 
> Rivendell staff, but I’ll send it separately because it won’t work in this 
> post. Our ride was a night ride through the city and it was exhilarating. 
> I’ve never ridden with people like this. Guys were doing wheelies and bunny 
> hopping things, and doing cool bro stuff. It was fascinating. The Riv Staff 
> were suffering on their citibikes. I rode next to the two owners of C&L 
> Cycles out of Montreal - sweethearts, both. 
> Keystone was the perfect place for the party. The venue was a huge space 
> with a fence around the perimeter and a ton of bike parking. The shop was 
> awesome and we had a fire and refreshments. Everyone was there. Famous 
> people like the Bilenkys and Bicycle Nomad .I met more people who I’d 
> “known” from Instagram and there were lots of Rivendells to admire. One Riv 
> Rider (Hillborne? Appaloosa?) told me, “I rode in from New York City 
> today.” I stayed until around 10 and then decided to head out. 
> Pam booked a disappointing Air B&B, so I told her she could bunk with me. 
> I had a king-sized bed with only me in it, so she packed her Backabike Bags 
> and we rode to my hotel with a guide who knew Philly well. He broke a 
> number of Pam’s Cycling Savvy rules as well as her personal preference to 
> never carry her bike down stairs,  but he redeemed himself by taking us 
> through some historical sites on the way. Here we are, standing on the 
> oldest inhabited street in America, Elfreth’s Alley.
> [image: image12.jpeg]
> The Delaware River:
> [image: image15.jpeg]
> We reached my hotel and somehow it was not weird to sleep in the same bed 
> even though Pam and I just met yesterday. Here are our bikes, which are the 
> real and true RivSisters, in the room:
> [image: image13.jpeg]
> And at breakfast the next day: 
> [image: image14.jpeg]
> It was a great trip, and one I hope to do again next year, but with an 
> extra day for riding. If you’ve made it this long in the post, you are a 
> good sport! Thanks for reading.
> Leah
> On Oct 30, 2022, at 11:58 PM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:
> All of this, including the anticipation of a long narrative report, makes 
> me very very happy
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 7:09:50 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
> wrote:
> Hi All! I got back a few hours ago - it was a 10 hour drive each way - and 
>> it was worth it. I have a lot to say on the matter but will leave it for 
>> now because I stayed up talking last night until 1:30 am with one Pamela 
>> Murray, who abandoned her unsatisfactory Air B and B to bunk in my king 
>> sized bed in the hotel, lol. 
>> I’ll leave you with a few photos for now…
>> On Oct 29, 2022, at 1:24 PM, JAS <> wrote:
>> Great photo, RivSisters!!  You're going to have so much fun.  More 
>> photos, please, for those of us wishing we could be there.
>> Joyce
>> On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 7:27:05 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Heyyy look at you's! 🙋‍♂️ Have fun!!!
>>> On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 7:23:11 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
>> The RivSisters are getting the party started. Ok, actually we went to bed 
>>>> but here is real, raw footage of three of us tonight. And tomorrow, there 
>>>> will be more of us. 
>>>> Left to right: Pamela Murray, Leah Peterson, and Roberta Chase.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Oct 28, 2022, at 11:31 AM, JohnS <> wrote:
>>>> Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday! I'll be at the food 
>>>> court for 12:30 to say hello. Otherwise I'll be taking it all in and 
>>>> picking up my free gift from Will, when I say, "and I for one welcome our 
>>>> new insect overlords". LOL!
>>>> JohnS
>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 9:25:50 PM UTC-4 Pam Bikes wrote:
>>>> I'll be riding to the Expo Sat 
>>>>> <>morning, doing a demo at 
>>>>> 1:30 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> and riding to the Keystone Party 
>>>>> <>.  
>>>>> Details on PBE website.  Please come see me and ride w/me.  
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 6:36:39 PM UTC-4 Roberta wrote:
>>>> I got this update to the bike expo in my email today.  Lots of 
>>>>>> information, including a press release:  
>>>>>> From the press release, which you can read in full, embedded in the 
>>>>>> above link.:
>>>>>> "The exhibitor count is approaching all-time pre-pandemic highs... an 
>>>>>> exhibitor list of 160 brands, up 40 percent over last year’s tentative 
>>>>>> post-pandemic expo. Pre-event ticket sales have been very healthy too.
>>>>>> "The popular PBE Food Court is back in the exhibition hall with the 
>>>>>> same range of offerings as pre-pandemic."
>>>>>> Want to meet at the Food Court around 12:30 for a meet and great?  
>>>>>> You know what Leah looks like.  You know what Pam looks like.  I am 
>>>>>> tall-ish and have short white hair and will probably be near them.  
>>>>>> Weather Saturday and Sunday:  low 41, high 63.  Sunny.  No rain.
>>>>>> Contact me off list if you need anything local.
>>>>>> Roberta
>>>>>> On Friday, October 14, 2022 at 11:24:16 AM UTC-4 Pam Bikes wrote:
>>>>> I can't wait to meet ya'll!!!!  I'l be flying and boxing my bike 
>>>>>>> (Betty Foy).  I'll be doing a demo of what to carry on your bike and 
>>>>>>> how to 
>>>>>>> carry stuff and hope to give a presentation on ideas to build bike 
>>>>>>> community and culture.  I'll be helping w/a ride Sat mornining to the 
>>>>>>> Expo 
>>>>>>> and another from the Expo to the Keystone Bike Party Sat night.  I 
>>>>>>> think 
>>>>>>> there's a Riv sisters Fri night ride brewing too - I guess guys will be 
>>>>>>> invited but will need to follow us.  I'm always up for a ride and have 
>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>> dyno so I ride all the time.  I'm not on the group all the time but I 
>>>>>>> check 
>>>>>>> email all the time.  Working on details, routes, etc.  But email me for 
>>>>>>> any 
>>>>>>> questions.  For example, Joe, just box the bike.  Watch the video on 
>>>>>>> Riv.  
>>>>>>> I think it's Emilio packing a bike to ship.  It's easy to pack and only 
>>>>>>> $30 
>>>>>>> like a checked bag.  I put the duffle bag backpack straps on so my 
>>>>>>> hands 
>>>>>>> are free to carry the bike box to check it at the airport.  If I can do 
>>>>>>> it, 
>>>>>>> you can too.  I'm smaller than you.  
>>>>>>> Picture from last weeks 367 mile ride across NC on my Betty Foy.  
>>>>>>> p.s. that's a My Little Pony I found.
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 7:09:59 PM UTC-4 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Joe — I went to PBE for the first time last year. Not sure I'll 
>>>>>>>> make it this year. There are lots of vendors displaying all kinds of 
>>>>>>>> cycling related stuff: bike makers of all kinds, bag and luggage 
>>>>>>>> makers, 
>>>>>>>> tool makers and anything else you can think of. There are food, beer 
>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>> coffee vendors as well. 
>>>>>>>> Russ's video from PBE a few years ago 
>>>>>>>> <> gives a pretty good 
>>>>>>>> idea of the flow of things. 
>>>>>>>> I found it helpful to do a quick surface walk around all the booths 
>>>>>>>> and displays without stopping, then returning to check out booths that 
>>>>>>>> caught my attention. There is no end of stuff to dive into and people 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> chat with. 
>>>>>>>> Things I'd check out this year: Rivendell, Paul Component, King 
>>>>>>>> Cage, Silca, Chapman Cycles, Fat Chance, Sal's Bikes, Jubilee Mfg, 
>>>>>>>> Breadwinner, Merry Sales, White Ind, Velocity, Sinewave. Whoever has 
>>>>>>>> good 
>>>>>>>> decaf espresso. Always cool to check in with yr fave brands because 
>>>>>>>> they 
>>>>>>>> often have custom swaaaaag. 
>>>>>>>> I didn't make it to any of the talks but there are always a few I 
>>>>>>>> wish I had time for. 
>>>>>>>> The bike valet is fun and you'll see lots of great bikes and nice 
>>>>>>>> people who have some overlapping interests. On my way there I got 
>>>>>>>> several 
>>>>>>>> shout outs for my Appaloosa from strangers passing by. Plus, the 
>>>>>>>> people you 
>>>>>>>> might run into from this here forum! 
>>>>>>>> A few things that were fun last year: 
>>>>>>>> Riv — James, Vince and Will were there with three demo bikes. Small 
>>>>>>>> booth, no frills, great to meet them and to see a few frames I hadn't 
>>>>>>>> seen 
>>>>>>>> in real life. 
>>>>>>>> Analog/Tanglefoot — An elaborate setup with a cast iron wood stove, 
>>>>>>>> lots of antiques, tree branches, oil lanterns and old albumen print 
>>>>>>>> photographs to set the mood. Then a few Tumbleweed demo bikes, tons of 
>>>>>>>> their custom anodized parts (clamps, ferrules, Nitto racks, seatposts, 
>>>>>>>> etc.). Stickers, hats, coozies. Other stuff I'm forgetting! 
>>>>>>>> VAR tools — Coool French tool maker, straightforward display. 
>>>>>>>> Crust and Casa Verde — A few demo bikes, lots of their MUSA 
>>>>>>>> clothing, maybe some bars and pedals and stuff. Their booth was pretty 
>>>>>>>> big. 
>>>>>>>> Ron's Bikes — Ron brought a lot of his own bikes and had them on 
>>>>>>>> display along with waxed bags, caps, bandanas and Ultradynamico tires. 
>>>>>>>> Champman Cycles — Really fun to see Brian Chapman's work in person, 
>>>>>>>> just incredible. 
>>>>>>>> Cobra Frame building — Joe has a very sick frame building shop and 
>>>>>>>> manufactures frame building jigs and equipment. 
>>>>>>>> Wahoo / Zwift?? — There was a big display of stationary trainers 
>>>>>>>> set up with virtual reality screens for at-home riding. Not my thing 
>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>> all, they clearly spent the most money for the primo spots but a nice 
>>>>>>>> reminder that "Hey, you are at a Bicycle Expo! Witness the future!" 
>>>>>>>> I was with a friend who is not obsessed with bikes so my trip was 
>>>>>>>> shorter than I would have liked. 
>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 3, 2022 at 2:59:50 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>>>>>> With the disclaimer that the chances of me making it to this 
>>>>>>>>> shindig are very low - it's all the way across the country and I hate 
>>>>>>>>> flying, I don't know how the catsitter thing would work, I'm 
>>>>>>>>> borderline 
>>>>>>>>> agoraphobic..the list goes on! - what exactly IS a bike expo? What 
>>>>>>>>> happens 
>>>>>>>>> there? 
>>>>>>>>> Joe "so many questions" Bernard 
>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 5:03:22 PM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Oct 29 and 30, downtown Philadelphia, easily accessible by car, 
>>>>>>>>>> Septa, NJ Transit, Amtrak, Greyhound, etc.,  and bike!  They also 
>>>>>>>>>> have free 
>>>>>>>>>> valet bike parking inside. 
>>>>>>>>> -- 
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