Kelly, looks like you got a lot of good stuff planned for the coming year. 
Last year I was super ambitious with lots of randonneruing related 
plans--R-12, SR series, 1200k, Fleche--and multiple 3 day bike camping 
trips. Things didn't pan out as planned. I did 200k, 300k and 600k brevets. 
No R-12, only two 200k perms, and only two overnight camping trips that 
were tons of fun but left me wanting more. I did manage to ride and finish 
the Cascade 1200k which was pretty neat but I don't know, not quite as much 
fun, or even as difficult as I anticipated. The weather was horrible for 
the event. A combination of unexpectedly adopting a puppy and a loss of 
motivation curbed my grandiosity. But I did have a lot of fun urban rides 
explores roads and stretching the legs on roads closer to home during our 
glorious summer that we had this year here in Portland.

For 2013 things are pretty toned down. I'll definitely do 200k and 300k 
brevets although I won't be bike touring this summer. There's some things 
going on later this year that just trump cycling. I may try and get out for 
a winter camping trip in Feb or Mar but even that is gonna be hard. I think 
for the most part I'll be making do with shorter rambles in the 4hr/max 
range that include Forest Park and the West Hills. 

After 5yrs of big mileage it's probably good to tone it down for a year. 
I've been cycling now for 20yrs and hoping to cycle for another 30 to 40 
more. With less time on the bike I'm looking forward to being less tired 
and staying up later reading. 

Happy New Year to everyone on the list. Looking forward to following your 
adventures as you post about them here. Which reminds me. One other plan 
for this year is to get together with the PDX Riv enthusiast crew from the 
New Year's Day ride and doing more riding. 


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