Right on target Ron.

~Hugh"works on keeping his ego in check, and can't really contribute to 
such nonsense" Smitham

On Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:21:02 AM UTC-8, Ron Mc wrote:
> sarcasm never comes across right on the internet - also, if you love 
> somebody, no sarcasm - it transliterates as putrefying thought, and that is 
> what it does.  
> On Friday, November 15, 2013 4:54:55 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Hey, I missed this one. How do you dremel a Longboard into a Bluemel?
>> Anyone who takes cutting tools to bicycle stuff is my friend!
>> It is interesting that BS's sarcasm seems to be spread with a pretty even 
>> hand, in a full 360 degrees, too. 
>> Patrick "must search my trash folder for this one -- no, I'm not being 
>> snippy" Moore, who thinks the occasional metaphorical and emotional face 
>> slap is good for the soul.
>> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 9:56 AM, OS125 <cbar...@ase.tufts.edu> wrote:
>>>  Anton Tutter wrote:
>>>  >I would love to read BikeSnobNYC's take on of all this.
>>> I expect he has run into this sort of reaction before.
>>> BSNYC might allow for the possibility it is written tongue-in-cheek, 
>>> just as he writes. He even may be sufficiently perceptive to think, "Small 
>>> group of people, closed comments, not much use of Web 2.0 connectivity - 
>>> maybe there are some inside jokes here. Maybe I am not the intended 
>>> audience."
>>> He hardly could be unfamiliar with obsessive cyclists taking umbrage 
>>> with what he writes, and how that proves the points of his barbs at their 
>>> onbsessiveness.
>>> In any event, it is seldom a good idea to attribute thoughts or 
>>> motivations to anyone without the first-hand knowledge of dialogue. 
>>> Therefore I should not speculate further of what BSNYC would make of this, 
>>> especially as he does not have the advantages of knowing the person who 
>>> wrote it, as Anton does (a little), or of sharing mutual friends amidst the 
>>> tiny audience for which it is written (who have ample opportunity to 
>>> comment or razz, give as good as they get, and are able to laugh about our 
>>> shared obsessions). Mr. Weiss also could not know that the author is an old 
>>> time Bridgestone rider, long-time Rivendell customer, and has spent a lot 
>>> of time on road and trail with his Riv-riding, BQ-reading friends (all of 
>>> whom joke about double top tubes, low- trail, and other matters of the 
>>> intertwined communities).
>>>  If lampooning the bike sects sends me to hell, I will have lots of 
>>> company, including a few from this list.
>>>  Anton goes on to write:
>>>  >The author explicitly expresses his distaste of these fenders and of 
>>> the Rivendell
>>>  aesthetic, and preaches sanctimoniously about French "re-enactors" and
>>>  "anachronistic affectations" yet it was a Riv product he chose as the 
>>> basis for "re-
>>>  enacting" a set of Bluemels.
>>>  Ahem - this is about re-enacting the SKS P45.
>>> One might dial down the umbrage meter and ponder, having invoked BSNYC - 
>>> who seems to have a great relationship with Rivendell despite sometimes 
>>> poking fun at their bikes and following - the possibility that this text 
>>> was not written in scorn. It might come from somebody who knows this stuff 
>>> from the inside, for a long time, sees in it humor that he shares with 
>>> like-minded pals, and is hip to the common RBW trope of “drinking the 
>>> Kool-Aid.” 
>>> The Web, like bookshops and libraries, is full of texts that are 
>>> available to the general public, in a public place, but not written for 
>>> every reader, or forced on any. If I do not like to read something 
>>> disagreeable to my opinions, or disagreeable to me in style, I may ignore 
>>> it (especially from so inconsequential a medium as an obscure blog), 
>>> grumble privately, or, if I happen to know the author, I might discuss it 
>>> with him or her. 
>>> Not long ago I revisited iBOB and RBW, from which I had been away quite 
>>> awhile. I was delighted by the contributions and adventures of Deacon 
>>> Patrick, whose voice and spirit keep me coming back, and who wrote on this 
>>> topic:
>>>  >This seems applicable. http://xkcd.com/386/
>>> I like it. This is how I take the original post, while not missing the 
>>> tip of the spear as it prods me.
>>> Steve Palincsar, old-time iBOB ally in a protracted, poorly argued (from 
>>> the other side) debate on threaded forks and headsets that I was dumb 
>>> enough to let myself be dragged into, wrote:
>>>  >How, I wonder, is recreating the look of a 40 year old Bluemels fender 
>>> by dremeling now "appropriate"?
>>> Again, this is about making a Longboard into a P45 with a different 
>>> color, to a length useful for some conditions in which my friends and I 
>>> ride. Though willing to add a preliminary warning for the Very Serious, I 
>>> cannot prevent misreading or steer interpretation, and neither would I care 
>>> to. It is written for a few people, nobody's attention is solicited, nobody 
>>> has to subscribe, and it's not as if it so important that I would post it 
>>> to an internet forum in order to stir up a fuss.
>>> > And I completely agree with your comments re: sanctimoniousness.  
>>> Smarminess, too.
>>>  Not only that, but I am impious, overweight, and make sarcastic jokes 
>>> among friends.
>>>  Chris “Author, Author “ Barbour, near Boston
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