
You take a short break from the list and alluva sudden, you're heading the 
committee! ;^)

Yeah - so... OK.  

I'll compile a list of takers/wanters/those-who-will-in-fact-pony-up.

Please do this:


Use a Subject Line: SimpleBeam Order

Include your name, email and a simple statement of desire to be in the 
queue. State frame size, quantity.  

DO NOT GIVE any payment information - I cannot  be responsible for your 
payment security (and you should never, ever put that in an email anyway...)

Please note - I do not work for Rivendell Bicycle Works.  I am wrangling 
this just to keep one iron in a separate fire for GP.  I'll keep you up to 
date, and will advise Grant on a regular basis as to the quantity of solid 
SimpleBeam confirmations.  Once we close in on ~30, I'll end up handing the 
reigns off to the fine folks in Walnut Creek.  I won't know delivery dates 
or any specifics, obviously.

Does that work for folks?  

- Jim / /

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 9:53:57 PM UTC-8, grant wrote:
> Nothing's ever for sure gone for good, but here's the thing with the 
> SimpleBeams (forgive the gross generalizations used to make the point 
> without accounting for exceptions. I will use "everybody" not in the 
> literal sense):
> Everybody moans the loss of a bike they didn't buy when it was availabe. 
> The SB was always the slowest seller of all time, which in itself isn't the 
> end of the world, but what it means for us is---it was a cash flow killer. 
> We pay fully for 100 of them about two months before they arrive. Then it 
> takes a year and a half or two years to sell them. 
> One thing that seems to happen is--when something's readily available, 
> it's meh...and when it's gone, the heart grows fonder genuinely--and maybe 
> people who would have been buyers when the bike was around have just 
> learned about it and think hey I'd like that. But there is a small tendency 
> to overenthuse about what can't be had. I do it myself with other things in 
> my life. 
> *Dang, they quit making that ______ I've hemmed and hawed about and 
> admired for years, but never wanted enough to buy, but now that I can't buy 
> it, shoot!*I don't mean that's rampant here, and I DO like that the bikes 
> are so well-liked. Me too. I sold my QB when I needed money, figured I 
> could always get a SO, and now they're gone and I want one more than ever. 
> So---I'm not just an observer of this phenomenon, but a participant!
> If we could pre-sell 30 of them. Paid two-months before they arrive 
> (that's when our payment is due), I'd stick my neck out and order 100. This 
> time they'd be slightly different, and the danger of this hypothetical 
> scenario is that it would open a debate about what's the difference between 
> the new and old, which is preferable, then a vote, and it all gets weird 
> and half the people who expressed willingness to get a new one now feel 
> dis-listened to and bummed because it didn't go that way.
> So...i'd be innnnnnerested only if I had free secret rein to tweak it this 
> way and that, still resulting in a killer one-speed, but not a clone of the 
> SO, which was a clone of the QB. It might be any color, any name, any kind 
> of break, any anything. I totally get that ordering semi-blind isn't easy 
> to do. The unblind part of the semi is: Track or horizontal dropouts angled 
> to allow pad contact over a wide range of chainlengths, like QB/SO. Two 
> bottle mounts, rackable. good clearance. Basically Sam-like with diff 
> dropouts. Probably sidepulls but could be cantis. A perfectly good color, a 
> good name, a nice badge, a really great singler.
> Serious agreers will PM cyclofiend (Jim! So sorry,,,,please forgive 
> me...but these  months I have so many kaleidiscopes in my head that I can't 
> have another one), and if the list reaches 30 (meaning you'll have $1200  
> by Dec 2014 for the frame/fork/headset, and the money won't evaporate in a 
> divorce or unforseeable crisis), then we'll get some good frames.
> I have a full plate and I know it seems so bad to say I can't answer 
> questions about this, but for the next few months I probably can't. You can 
> try, and I'll try, but I'm at my  physicalemotional limit, and ... can't 
> promise. If you send a postcard, I'll respond with a postcard.
> Is this all too much? Probably. Sorry again. 
> If nothing happens now, I think the bike will happen again later, but it 
> may be an extra year or two.
> I know there are lots of options out there. I'm not trying to make this a 
> difficult mystery bike. My crazy the only way that makes 
> sense for us right now. 
> Thanks..
> Grant
> On Friday, November 22, 2013 7:09:49 PM UTC-8, Christopher Murray wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone knew why these bikes are no longer made. They 
>> seem very popular and the people who have one seem very pleased. I have 
>> heard several state it is their favorite bike. I assume that the QB went 
>> away due to The Lord of the Rings name and became the SO- but why no more 
>> SO? 
>> I assume it was too much of a niche product and too expensive. In other 
>> words, not enough people willing to pay the better part of $2,000 for a 
>> bike with one (or four) gears. I imagine it must cost as much to make a Sam 
>> as a SO but people aren't willing to pay as much for the SO. It seemed to 
>> me like even the description of the SO on was a little apologetic 
>> about the price. 
>> Anyone know the story here? Willing to speculate? Are they gone for good?
>> Cheers!
>> Chris

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