I checked with your code with some modifications,
beause I do not have your directories.
I got the same error because
The the program did not execute sample.R because it could not find it.
To debug:
Use rcom (not (D)COM and make the window visible.
Single step through your VBA code using F8 and
Shift-F8. After running sample.R switch to the R Gui and
check of your dataframe really exists.

Uma Sitaraman wrote:
> Hi,
> Hi,
> Please find below my R code (in R)
> Portfolio=read.csv("Z:\\Internal\\R Files\\Portfolio.csv", header=T)
>> Benchmark=read.csv("Z:\\Internal\\R Files\\Benchmark.csv", header=T)
>> save.image("Z:\\Internal\\R Files\\sample")
> Saved as Sample.R
> Here's my VBA code: to read dataframe Portfolio and then print it into
> Excel. For some reason, it gives me the following error:
> It gives me an error "Run-time error 13- Type mismatch" and when I try
> to debug, it stops at line below in the RInterface Module. 
>   nrows = REvalReturn("dim(" & DFname & ")[1]") + 1.
> VBA Code:
> Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
> Call RInterface.StartRServer
> Call RInterface.RRun("setwd(""Z:/Internal/R Files"")")
> ChDir "Z:/Internal/R Files"
> Call RInterface.RunRFile("sample.R")
> 'Call RInterface.GetDataframe("Portfolio", Range("Sheet1!A1"))
> Call RInterface.GetDataframe("data.frame(Portfolio)",
> Range("Sheet1!A1"))
> Call RInterface.StopRServer
> End Sub
> PS: I tried both Lines 6 and 7 (that I found in the mailing list) but
> both give the same error.
>   I am using R (2.5.1) and RSrv200.exe.
> Regards,
> Uma  
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Uma
> Sitaraman
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:52 AM
> To: R (D)COM and RExcel server related issues
> Subject: RE: [Rcom-l] Read Excel data
> Hi,
> I tried that too. It still gives me the same error.
> Regards,
> Uma  
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erich
> Neuwirth
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:05 AM
> To: R (D)COM and RExcel server related issues
> Subject: Re: [Rcom-l] Read Excel data
> Uma Sitaraman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to both R and RDcom, and am stuck trying to read excel data
>> using R (through VBA code). I tried out the test code posted in the
> web
>> (given below)
>>  Sub ReadTest()
>>>     rinterface.StartRServer
>>>     rinterface.RRun "setwd(""c:/work/rcomtest"")"
>>>     ChDir "c:\work\rcomtest"
>>>     rinterface.RunRFile "read.R"
>>>     rinterface.StopRServer
>>>     *rinterface.getdataframe "mydat", Range("Sheet1!A1")*
>>> End Sub
> you only can stop the server AFTER you have transferred the data to
> excel.
>>> --- read.R
>>> setwd("c:/work/rcomtest")
>>> mydat<-read.csv("data.txt")
>>> --- data.txt
>>> xxx1,zzz2
>>> 1,2
>>> 3,4
>>> 5,6
>> It gives me an error "Run-time error 13- Type mismatch" and when I try
> to debug, it stops at line below in the RInterface Module. 
>> nrows = REvalReturn("dim(" & DFname & ")[1]") + 1.
>> I am using R (2.5.1) and RSrv200.exe.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> -Uma    
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group
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