

I am having a problem reading data between R and Excel.


I have saved my code in file: lastsave.txt, and am trying to execute the
R commands when the user clicks the command button PA in Excel VBA. I
also let the user choose a date (using list box) and one of three
options using an option button. The code runs fine when I write the
entire R code and try it in Excel. But when I close R and again open the
Excel file, it cannot find any of the variables in R. Please find below
my code for the command button


 Private Sub PA_Click()


Call RInterface.StartRServer

Call RInterface.PutArray("dat", Range("Sheet2!A2"))


Call RInterface.RRun("setwd(""D:\Program Files\R\(D)COM Server\xls"")")

ChDir "D:\Program Files\R\(D)COM Server\xls"

Call RInterface.RunRFile("lastsave.txt")

Call RInterface.GetArray("g", Range("Sheet1!C5"))

Call RInterface.GetArray("f", Range("Sheet1!D5"))

Call RInterface.GetArray("n", Range("Sheet1!E5"))

Call RInterface.GetArray("pp_b", Range("Sheet1!F5"))

Call RInterface.GetArray("pp_e", Range("Sheet1!G5"))

Call RInterface.GetArray("bb_b", Range("Sheet1!H5"))

Call RInterface.GetArray("bb_e", Range("Sheet1!I5"))

Call RInterface.StopRServer



I get the following error in R:


Error in as.matrix(g) : object "g" not found

Error in as.matrix(f) : object "f" not found

Error in as.matrix(n) : object "n" not found

Error in as.matrix(pp_b) : object "pp_b" not found

Error in as.matrix(pp_e) : object "pp_e" not found

Error in as.matrix(bb_b) : object "bb_b" not found

Error in as.matrix(bb_e) : object "bb_e" not found


I have installed the RDACCSDSetup2040V1.71.exe package.


Also, when the user chooses another data and another option, the data
does not change and remains the same as the first option.






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