Can anybody help me with the following installation probelm?

I use Windows XP Professional Version 5.1 (SP3)
I use Microsoft Office Excel 2003 SP3
I successfully installed R 2.8.0
When I wanted to install RSrv250 it went smothly for a while and after I got
a message saying
"Completing the R/Scilab (D)Com Server and RExcel Setup Wizard",
I pushed the "Finish" button.
Then the program started Microsoft Visual Basic and in the file RExcel.xla,
in the project RExcelVBAlib, in the module MenuTools, in the function
ExcelVersionMajor() a compile error was reported saying: "Can't find project
or library" and the in the statement
"       ExcelVersionMajor = CInt(Left(Application.Version, pos - 1))"
the function "Left" was highlighted.
I do not understand why the Left function was not found, if I go to the
Object Browser then I can find Left as "Function Left(String, Length As

As a result, after stopping the execution of the Visual Basic program and
starting Excel, the same error message is generated. Then I can only use
Excel properly if I uncheck RExcel in the Add-ins dialog. If I check RExcel,
the same thing happens. Thus it seems I can not use RExcel at all.

Thanks for any help

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