Dear fellow R(D)Com Users, 

I am looking in to porting an application I have written in RExcel, R and rcom 
to a web based app. 
After some research I am currently favouring the approach of using ASP.Net with 
C# to build the website and connect to R using R(D)Com using 
the StatConnectorClass. I have carried out some basic tests and it seems to be 
a reasonable and relatively simple way to implement my web app. 

However, before jumping headlong into this architecture I thought I would 
appeal to the rcom community for your opinions and 
experiences in adopting this approach. Here are my questions thus far: 

1) Does anyone think there is a better approach than the above for building a 
web app with R?

2) Does anyone have any experiences in building a website with ASP.Net and 
R(D)COM. If so were there any issues and was this approach successful? 
Presumably R(D)Com deployed on a web server can cope with multiple users? i.e. 
are there any potential conflict issues?

3) All the StatConnectorClass examples I have looked at on the web so far 
initialise a StatConnectorClass using Init("R") and run 
the associated R code in one go and the instance of the StatConnectorClass is 
then disposed of. 
For the purposes of my web app I would like to store a "global" instance of the 
StatConnectorClass connector to my R session 
which I can pass between my web controls (buttons, listboxes, etc). 
The reason for this is that I want to keep my R session running and update it 
with the web controls. 
It is unfeasible for each call to R using StatConnectorClass being initialised 
from an empty R session. 

One method of doing this is to define a static StatConnector class in C# see 
for example: <>
but I certainly don't think this would be a recommended approach! 
Alternatively I could store the instance of the StatConnectorClass to a server 
side "Application Object" or "Session object" 
see for example: <> (I have 
yet to test this approach).

Can anyone perhaps suggest another better approach?

Looking forward to hearing your views and experiences. 


Wayne Jones
Statistical Consultant
Shell Global Solutions (UK)
Shell Technology Centre Thornton, P.O. Box 1, Chester CH1 3SH, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 151 373 5977 
Fax: +44 (0) 151 373 5384 
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Shell Global Solutions (UK) is a division of Shell Research Limited which has 
its Registered Office at Shell Centre, London SE1 7NA and is registered in 
England & Wales with No.539964.

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