Hi Wayne,

Hi Thomas & fellow R(D)Com users,
Thanks for the excellent suggestion of using RserverManager. This would seem to 
be exactly what I need!
I have managed to get an example in VBA working (See VBA code at bottom of email). However, when I try to run a corresponding example using .NET with C# I run into difficulty. I can add a IStatConnector-objects to RserverManager with no problems but I can't seem to retrieve it back again!
In VBA the  RServerManager has a method called "Item" which I can pass in a 
string to retrieve my IStatConnector session!
The methods, classes, constructors for the .NET example are quite different. Here is the C# code I used to set up an R session and store the IStatConnector called "RLink" into the RServermanager. Does anyone know how to get it back? i.e. can anyone translate the VBCode

Call RServerManager.ServerPool.Item("MyR").Server.EvaluateNoReturn("plot(x)")

to C#?

The following piece of code retrieves a server called "R" for shared use
and produces a plot:

        RServerManager.ServerPool lServerManager =
          new RServerManager.ServerPool();
        RServerManager.ServerItem lItem =

I hope this helps,


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