Le 18/08/10 07:44, Christian Gunning a écrit :
Thanks to all for the helpful suggestions. I was excited to learn
about Armadillo's plans for fft/ifft -- my original interest in Rcpp
was to facilitate the R fft call from C...

For conceptual simplicity, I'm opting for manually adding an operator*
for now.

Note that they will appear in the next version of Rcpp, which is scheduled (loosely) for the end of august.

Benchmarks show a ~10% speedup over sending large vectors (2
million) to R for multiplication.

One question that I ran into that I don't quite understand -- there
are several permutations of an Rcomplex-returning operator*, depending
upon the type of lhs and rhs (e.g Rcomplex and Rcomplex; Rcomplex and
double; etc.).  I admit, the template system is over my head for now,
and this has a low priority for me, but perhaps there's a simple
explanation asides from using separate operator symbols?

Here are 2 definitions that vary in input type:

Rcomplex operator*( const Rcomplex&  lhs, const Rcomplex&  rhs){
        Rcomplex y ;
        y.r = lhs.r * rhs.r - lhs.i * rhs.i ;
        y.i = lhs.r * rhs.i + rhs.r * lhs.i ;
        return y ;

Rcomplex operator*( const Rcomplex&  lhs, const double&  rhs){
        Rcomplex y ;
        y.r = lhs.r * rhs ;
        y.i = lhs.i * rhs ;
        return y ;

yielding the following compiler error:

rcpp_operators.h:7: error: declaration of C function ‘Rcomplex
operator*(const Rcomplex&, const double&)’ conflicts with
rcpp_operators.h:6: error: previous declaration ‘Rcomplex
operator*(const Rcomplex&, const Rcomplex&)’ here


Do you include this from a .c file or a .cpp file ? C has no concept of overloading.

Can you share a small reproducible example that shows the problem.


Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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