Thanks for your comment, Chris. Yes, that is the new shed. Still needs
a few bits sorting. In "real life" I am a fairly organised person but
I allow myself a bit of latitude in model-making!

The key-fobs are not perfect- one of the relays is very poor at
responding, which gives rise to some driving-round-in-circles issues-
but I am working on that.


On Jan 25, 10:26 am, Chris Malton <> wrote:
> Phil,
>         AMAZING!  Great idea on those keyfobs.  I'd love to see how they
> perform.  I've got enough to worry about before I can go spending on
> that (namely T027, and FA006, which have already cost me enough!).  I'm
> hooked though, so what does it matter.  Can't wait to see these in action.
> By the way, is that your new tank shed?  If so, well done on finishing
> that.  I get the impression you've got a lot of *half* finished projects
> (so have I mind you).  Time to finish them, I guess!
> Well done, I look forward to seeing what else you have to offer.  P.S.
> Did hot glue solve the castle's "self-dismantling" issue?  If so, I'd
> like to take credit for that.
> Chris "I want to get building again, but these damned exams are in the
> way!" M
> Phil wrote:
> > It lives!
> > At last I can reveal my secret project for the winter: radio-
> > controlled infantry!
> >
> > Older members will recall that I spent some time trying to get this
> > working a year or so ago.
> > My original concept was this: A half-track would rumble up; 4
> > infantrymen would debus from the back, and march (yes, march as in
> > walking) to attack an enemy tank. 2 or 3 of the chaps might be shot,
> > but 1 or 2 would get through to beat up the enemy. Yeh, right.
> > I spent some time trying to get a walking robot to work, and I got as
> > far as this:
> > Robot1001.jpg This would walk- just about- if you held it up so as not
> > to put any weight on it, and might be developed into something that
> > might work- just- on a nice flat table. However, working on a bumpy
> > field, and in conjunction with heavy radio-controlled tanks which
> > might occasionally bump into it, was clearly going to be impossible.
> > I found a walking figure for £600, but I it looked fairly fragile. Not
> > the thing with Neil’s “challenged” driving skills anyway. Oh, here’s a
> > silly picture:
> >
> > Not entirely suitable.
> > I tried various layouts for soldiers with wheels instead of legs, or
> > even tracks, but nothing that didn’t look, as my wife put it, “like a
> > tank with a head stuck on top”.
> > I then went on to building tanks, but still pondered on infantry…
> > On a real battlefield, infantry have always been able to attack and
> > destroy tanks. A rifle bullet inside a tank will ping around until it
> > hits something sticky. An anti-tank rifle, bazooka, panzerfaust or RPG
> > can attack it through armour. In WWII a Japanese officer leapt out of
> > the jungle, jumped on a tank and got the commander and gunner with his
> > katana. He was poking around inside for the radio operator when the
> > latter shot him (My father was a tank radio operator in Burma, and
> > told me the story- it wasn’t him though).
> > From the point of view of a tank crew, infantry are virtually
> > invisible when hiding on cover; easy to kill when moving; and
> > dangerous when close. From the point of view of rc tank combat, that
> > translates as equivalent to a self-operating mine- a stationery single-
> > shot weapon with a degree of aiming- as envisaged in the rules.
> > Trouble is though, I’m not interested in stationery things. I want it
> > to move. The one thing I didn’t want was to have a figure standing on
> > a powered base, like a wargames figure.
> > The figure
> > OK as you can see I went with a powered base. The motors are these :
> >
> > motors- the 30:1 ones similar to those we usually use for traversing
> > and suchlike- and the batteries will be 8 x 1.5 V 2,300 mAh
> > rechargeables. These are stacked inside the figures legs- in later
> > models I might try to get them under the base, which will increase
> > stability (and appearance) at the expense of ground clearance.  I
> > considered having a separate 12V mini-battery for the radio, but
> > haven’t at the moment.
> > I went for these key-fob 
> > transmitters:
> > You’re probably wondering why I didn’t go for a straightforward rc
> > unit using servos (adapted for continuous movement) for power. The
> > point is that I don’t see infantry on the RC battlefield as just tiny
> > slow single-shot tanks. To put it another way, I don’t want to play
> > with one soldier, but a whole army (well, say, 2 or 4) bwahahah! OK
> > sorry about that but with these controllers- which are coded- I can
> > have 4 separately controlled figures each with a separate controller,
> > and a 5th master controlled keyed to all 4 so that I can control them
> > separately or together (SQAUD left turn!) This was 1 or 2 can get shot
> > but the rest can carry on. A little- just a little- like real life.
> > My first thought was a spring-loaded bazooka. Springs are much less
> > trouble than compressed air, I think. The only trouble is that I
> > didn’t feel that a bazooka would really look right- I couldn’t see a
> > standing figure charging across the battlefield with a shouldered
> > bazooka, and if he was in the kneeling position then my opponents
> > would say that he wasn’t really a big enough target.  Another problem
> > is that it could only be single-shot.
> > Now, the rules assume single-shot but while that is fine for static
> > models but imagine going  to the trouble of creating a squad of moving
> > infantrymen who charge up in a half-track, debus, charge tanks/guns
> > Somme-style, losing 3 of their number, then arrive within their (very
> > short) range then oops miss so let’s go home again. I think he should
> > get a 2nd shot. I had an idea based on a medieval trebuchet- a
> > spinning arm with 3 or 4 paintballs inside it- but having realised
> > that that would never work I went for torsion-power, using pieces of
> > luggage elastic.
> > If you look at the left arm, it’s got a piece of elastic attached to
> > the base. This is the “just fired” position. If you imagine winding
> > the arm anti-clockwise about 340 degrees, the elastic will tension and
> > a trigger (in his chest) will hold it in position with the arm held
> > low in front of his body. Put a paintball in the hand (it had a hand
> > but it fell off last time I test-fired it- the elastic is quite
> > strong) let it go and the figure bowls it underarm at the target. Fit
> > another arm on the other side (I’ve got an idea for the trigger- I’ll
> > explain that later) and you’ve got a 2-shot figure that bowls
> > paintballs (representing grenades or sticky-bombs) at about groin
> > height 3-4 inches from the ground. That, by the way, is much better
> > than bowling overarm 15-16 inches from the ground, where the shot is
> > likely to sail over the target.
> > So that’s were we are so far. The “head” is just a screwdriver
> > inserted to give an idea- I can model heads. Action Man (who, oddly,
> > appears to have joined the Village People) is there to show the size.
> > The figure will have cotton clothes to hold everything in place (wool
> > would be more authentic but I’m not taking a dry-clean-only figure to
> > a paintball battle and anyway, wool looks a little fluffy at this
> > scale).
> > Hopefully we will end up with a 1/6th scale figure that can cope with
> > a reasonably flat field, will be reasonably rebust, cheap enough
> > (about £70) and simple enough that I can field several, repairable,
> > and moderately authentic both in terms of appearance and (more
> > importantly) function.
> > What do you think?
> > Phil “Generalissimo” Palmer- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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