Phil “Generalissimo” Palmer asked :-

`What do you think?`

To be honest Phil when I first read your post , my heart sank. However
you have every right to build what you wish and far be it for me ( or
anyone else ) to tell you what to do.
If you do get these soldiers to work effectively then they will be on
the battle field getting shot at. Have you shot them with .68 cal at
close range i.e.:- 5 feet to see how they survive ? You may find that
they are totally destroyed beyond repair , I know it bloody hurts me
when I get hit . I promise I will not run your solders  over, (even
with my “challenged” driving skills ( concerning my driving skills , I
do believe that there is only T051 in the UK that goes fast enough to
require driving skills )) but a collision with a Leopard will end a
1/6th soldiers carer very quick .
If you do make this thing work and it proves reliable then best of
luck to you , I just don’t want you to waist this seasons battles on
what seams to me , a mad cap idea. I don’t think the hobby in the Uk
has evolved enough to deviate from `what works` yet.
Who is going to be operating these soldiers ? If you , then who is
operating T055 ( or T057 )? Who is going to be operating ( or
building )  the half track that the soldiers ride into battle ?
I have just reread this email and it may sound like Im telling you
what to do . This is not my intention in any way.

Neil ` I just like what I can see will work ` R

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