Oh, and once it has a turret it would be designated as tank with no front
hits counted.
With the Saladin turret installed it would become a 40/2 vehicle due to the
76mm gun.
Support vehicles are defined as "any un-armed vehicles used to move
equipment and
supplies".  Tanks would be "any fully tracked vehicles".  I would think
technically (even
without the gun) it could be considered a tank if it never moved any
supplies, but that
would leave it without a purpose on the battlefield having no gun.


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Derek Engelhaupt <tan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://www.rctankcombat.com/support-vehicles/SV015/
> The Spartan is a similar vehicle made by the British.
> Rating 0/2.  First number being number of rounds = 0 and the second
> number being the defensive rating = 2.
> Derek
> T065
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Ben Holko <b...@holnet.net> wrote:
>> > Being that the new M113A3 has speed, a large payload capacity, a
>> defensive rating of 2
>> I thought any supply vehicle was a one-hit wonder?
>> Of course if you stick a turret on it it's a different story...
>> ________________________________
>> From: rctankcombat@googlegroups.com on behalf of Derek Engelhaupt
>> Sent: Wed 12/08/2009 1:08 PM
>> To: rctankcombat@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: [TANKS] Press Release from the Arrowhead Skunk Works
>> PRESS RELEASE - Arrowhead News Organization (ARO) - August 11th, 2009
>> Today in an undisclosed, secret location testing of a new supply vehicle
>> was conducted
>> by the organization calling themselves the "Arrowhead Skunk Works" or ASW
>> for short.
>> The attached video feed shows this new vehicle being tested at the ASW's
>> testing grounds
>> in northern Minnesota.  Many Botham spies were detained and forced to
>> watch old episodes
>> of Barney the purple dragon in obtaining this footage.  The footage shows
>> what looks to be
>> an M113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) being put through it's paces on
>> some of the
>> roughest terrain northern Minnesota can dish out.  Although the tests
>> looked to be somewhat
>> successful, it looks like the ASW has some more work to do to ensure their
>> new vehicle is a
>> force to be reckoned with on the modern battlefield.  This news agency was
>> able to secure an
>> exclusive interview with a representative of the ASW who only referred to
>> himself as SGT. MP.
>> He would not disclose his real name or position in the company.  When
>> asked how the testing
>> was going SGT. MP first tried to deny the existence of such a vehicle or
>> that any testing of any
>> kind were being conducted at his facility, but after a few beers and
>> showing him the footage the
>> ARO had clandestinely obtained SGT. MP began to talk.  At first he started
>> ranting about how
>> his father didn't show him any love as a child and how his mother had left
>> them for a traveling
>> vacuum salesman when he was six years old, but another couple of rounds
>> got him back on
>> topic with regards to the new vehicle.  The video shows that the M113A3 is
>> quite capable of
>> handling any battling terrain encountered in previous skirmishes, but also
>> shows failures of
>> several key systems when pushed beyond what would normally be expected in
>> a battle.  SGT.
>> MP commented, "there will always be stuff that will break when testing a
>> new vehicle."
>> Additionally he said, "tracks and motor mounts can be fixed, people are
>> much harder to mend."
>> Once again, this reporter thinks he was referring to his own hardships as
>> a child.  When asked
>> what was the reason for the additional military build up SGT. MP stated
>> that it was related to
>> some recent press releases about new vehicles being designated by the
>> Spanish.  He kept
>> saying that the "Spanish Armada" was "comin' for us" and we needed to be
>> prepared.  With the
>> recent need for additional UN troops and support around the world the ARO
>> asked why this
>> vehicle didn't sport the UN white paint scheme.  His reply was simply,
>> "those UN guys are wimps.
>> We at the ASW pick a side and get paid for our work.  And we get paid
>> well."  The question was
>> then posed about where the loyalties of the ASW lie, but it seems the beer
>> had finally caught up
>> with SGT. MP as his head came to a rest on the bar with a loud thump.  The
>> interview was over.
>> It seems that despite the fact that the ASW's new vehicle broke a motor
>> mount, threw a track, and
>> broke several track pads they are confident that the problems are minor.
>>  Being that the new
>> M113A3 has speed, a large payload capacity, a defensive rating of 2, and a
>> lack of loyalty to any
>> single party, it is apparent to this reporter that this new vehicle could
>> turn the tide of any battle it
>> is involved in.
>> Derek (vid is coming tomorrow, just couldn't wait)
>> T065
>> >>

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