Work in Progress, Designation Pending... works for me. That way I
could post the progress on my Ariete. That would make more work for
Frank though and he may* just have something to say about that. ;-)

 It's a hobby (so I keep telling myself, :-) anyways). I disagree with
the PREMIERSHIP (Battled)/ Non-Battled / Wall of Shame idea. For one,
it is darn hard to organize a battle when there are so few of us
within a 500 km radius. Unless YOU (neroc) want to drag your tank
across the border (explain THAT to Homeland Security on the return
trip) and a 1000km into western Canada for the weekend? I got a spare
room for you if you do. :-)

The object is to ATTRACT people to the hobby NOT present them with
some sort exclusive, elitist 'old boys' club. Next you'll want to
elect an executive board, collect dues, vote on membership approvals,
impose fines, and regulate all the fun right into the toilet.

Just my $0.0210397CAD

Fred "President For Life, Anarchy Inc." Thomson

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