The only practical solution for actually steering a car involves the use of a strong servo/motor combination, a so-called "jumbo servo", that returns to center when you let go of the joystick. You can find at least one commercial kit to build the electronics from Oatley. There are also a number of articles on the Internet that explain how to re-purpose a standard servo to drive a large motor.

        Frank P.

On 5/23/2011 8:51 PM, mike wrote:
Greetings, I am building a 3 foot armored car. I have the steering set
up like the real one had.
  My big problem is that I dont know what servo/ electric motor to use
to steer this beast. Probely going to weigh around 100 pounds. What is
the best way to steer this? Meaning what servo/ electric motor would
be strong enough to steer the 100 pound car.

(I will also drive around the 22 acrea yard, So I need all the power I
can get.

Thanks for your time.

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