Renette Davis wrote: - Why would you want to provide an access point for the
succeeding resource? Wouldn't that be an earliest entry record?

I agree completely -- AACR2 21.28  includes in its terminology
"continuations and sequels" for examples,  yet 21.28B1 offers not a
single example of a serial predecessor/successor as an added entry --
Common sense tells me not to add an access point for an earlier title on
the catalog record of the later title of the serial that I am describing
(for I would be leading the catalog user to the wrong bibliographic
record), while I do want to provide a link to the earlier title on the
catalog record of the later title of the serial that I am describing,
should the user desire to follow it.

Thank goodness 6.10 is an optional element.

Beth Guay
Monographs/Continuing Resources Cataloger
McKeldin Library, University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742

(301) 405-9339
fax (301) 314-9971

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