At 02:13 PM 6/28/2007, D. Brooking wrote:
I agree that trying to combine both display and access in one field (data
element, whatever) is very problematic. I would like to see RDA avoid

I view this as strictly an encoding issue, and therefore not something that
is in the scope of RDA at all.

Some may believe that displays can always be machine-generated from access
fields, but I think there are more complex cases where it would actually
be easier and quicker just to have a human supply the display version in
the record itself. What works best for indexing and retrieval may not
always be the most user-friendly for display.

AMEN!!!  Having *similar* information in more than one place is not
necessarily redundancy.  Note that I said "similar", not "the same".  The
statement of responsibility and the controlled access point serve two
entirely different purposes.  The data in a given record may *appear* to be
redundant, but technically and functionally they are not.  Storage is not
so expensive that this would be a burden, and computer copy/paste functions
minimize the amount of typing that needs to be done.

(A case in point:'s current display of all added entries
concatenated after the word "by" with no role distinctions, instead of the
traditional statement of responsibility.)

I've complained about this (and other serious shortcomings of the WorldCat
Local records) on AUTOCAT earlier today.

Kevin M. Randall
Head of Serials Cataloging
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL  60208-2300
phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-4345

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