Jakob asked:

>For instance how to you catalog a a web page or a PDF file deposited at
>a repository? And what do you do if the PDF is also availabe at a second
>server and there is a HTML version of the same document at the third?

RDA Appendix M has examples:


There are examples for an audio book, audio music, two books, a
serial, a streaming video, a video recording, and a website.  There is
no example of an electronic document; neither "electronic text" nor
"electronic document" are in RDA's list of possibilites at RDA 3.3 p.
12, only the very general "online resource", which is more like a GMD
than an SMD.  Electronic documents make up the bulk of our work these
days, and often exist in the variety you mention.  RDA is distant from
the bibliographic world we experience, and the needs expressed by our

Regardless of how RDA would have you do it, I can tell you how we do
it, and will probably continue to do it.

There seem to be four possibilties: (1) a record for each format
(driving reference and patrons mad); (2) a record for one format with
the others in 530's;  (3) repeating collations and 856's, one for each
format (300 is repeating because of the British way of doing kits);
and (4) a generalized 300* with repeating 856's, or an 856 which takes
you to an introductory page which has links to the various formats.

*300 $a1 electronic text (x, 100 p. : graphs) :$bdigital file.

We use the last of the four methods mentioned above.  Offlist I will
send you the cataloguer instructions for one such project.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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