One of aspects of XML, that had great appeal when I initially learned
it, is that data elements themselves can have attributes.  This allows
us to "have our cake and eat it too" when it comes to issues of
transcription and controlled access.  The data could be tagged in its
transcribed form with an attribute using the controlled form, or
alternatively, could be tagged in its controlled form with an attribute
of its transcribed form.  Presumably the controlled forms can then be
used by the machine for indexing and access, while the transcribed forms
can be rendered for display.  I have a vague suspicion that the
controlled/URI form should be the attribute, but my experience with XML
(to say nothing of the realms Karen works in) is sufficiently limited
that I'm not entirely certain -- I'm having a vague glimmer that there
are issues surrounding tag-embedded attributes.
For example (and probably not using the best XML mark up, but hopefully
<place_of_publication controlled="U.S.A., New York (State), New
Or alternatively,
<place_of_publication transcribed="New-York">
   <publication_state>New York (State)</publication_state>
   <publication_city>New York</publication_city>
Better yet, swap in some URIs:
<place_of_publication URI="[URI for N.Y.,
<place_of_publication transcribed="New-York">[URI for N.Y.,

John F. Myers, Catalog Librarian
Schaffer Library, Union College
807 Union St.
Schenectady NY 12308


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Coyle

I  assume we do need to figure out how to distinguish between  
transcribed and not-transcribed, at least in some cases. I'm not sure  
if it always requires a different element, although I suspect you are  

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