Bernhard Eversberg wrote:

ISBD, however, is not a code of cataloging rules.

The introduction says:
"The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is intended to 
serve as a principal standard to promote universal bibliographic
control, that is, to make universally and promptly available, in a form that is 
internationally acceptable, basic bibliographic data for all
published resources in all countries. The main goal of the ISBD is, and has 
been since the beginning, to provide consistency when sharing
bibliographic information."

I'm trying to understand how ISBD is *not* a code of cataloging rules, or as I 
prefer to think of it: standards for input of bibliographic information. 

The printed records were thus conceived, at that time, as a communication 
format for the transmission of structured information.
No verbal or numeric tagging could be employed in printed bibliographies, as 
goes without saying, but the punctuation had to
do double duty for that purpose.

While I can understand this idea that the primary goal was to communicate 
structured information, and the only way of doing that in a print world was 
through punctuation, I think that this obscures the fact that the focus was 
still on the information to be communicated, and the punctuation was less 
important. My evidence is to compare the ISBD with the user guide for Dublin 
Core ( So for 
example, the DC guidelines for "Title" are (in their entirety)
4.1. Title
Label: Title
Element Description: The name given to the resource. Typically, a Title will be 
a name by which the resource is formally known.
Guidelines for creation of content:
If in doubt about what constitutes the title, repeat the Title element and 
include the variants in second and subsequent Title iterations. If the item is 
in HTML, view the source document and make sure that the title identified in 
the title header (if any) is also included as a Title.
    Title="A Pilot's Guide to Aircraft Insurance"
    Title="The Sound of Music"
    Title="Green on Greens"
    Title="AOPA's Tips on Buying Used Aircraft"

Contrast this to the in-depth ISBD guidelines for title (available through and anybody can 
see immediately DC gives practically no guidance when compared with ISBD. This 
is not to criticise, but merely to point out that one has standards for input 
(cataloging rules) and the other does not.

In many ways, I see the current discussions as very similar to those in the 
later 19th century when libraries wanted to exchange catalog cards. The problem 
was: each library had their own size card and cabinets, and a uniform size card 
was absolutely necessary if they were going to be exchanged. It was also one of 
those debates that you either won completely or lost completely, since if your 
size card was not accepted, you had to recatalog everything, which was a 
terrifying prospect even then. So, you were either a big winner or big loser 
but in the end, they discovered that all they had agreed upon was an empty card 
with a hole in the same place! While that was important, it paled in comparison 
with the need for and the complexity of sharing the information on the cards in 
some kind of coherent way--which was the entire purpose. It was *not* about 
just sharing cards, but sharing the information on those cards.  Figuring out a 
standardized empty card was only the first, and relatively easiest step. 
(As an aside, at Princeton Univeristy the cards were too big and Ernest 
Richardson, then the librarian, tried having his catalogers cut down the cards 
and then write somewhere else on the card what was cut off. That one didn't 

Certainly we should not have to enter punctuation by hand today. Not that it's 
so difficult to learn to do (pretty much the easiest part of ISBD) but it's a 
little bit like plowing a field with an ox and plough. There are better and 
more productive tools available.

And concerning displays, we must emphasize the possibility of multiple 
displays. I think having a standardized one, primarily for use by librarians, 
is a good idea, but other displays are much more useful for our public, e.g. 
citations they can copy and paste, exportable records for personal reference 
databases, and others. I have also felt that multiple displays could be made 
far more useful  for both users and catalogers than those I have seen.

James L. Weinheimer
Director of Library and Information Services
The American University of Rome
Rome, Italy

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