Yes, what Karen said. (Thanks, Karen!) That's exactly how we look at it. So a 
Manifestation does have Expressed Works in it (to answer your question 
Jonathan), just more than one in many cases. Since more than one is OK, no need 
for aggregates.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
> [] On Behalf Of Karen Coyle
> Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 1:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [RDA-L] FRBRized data available for bulk download
> Quoting Jonathan Rochkind <>:
> >
> > My understanding of the FRBR model is that it insists that _all_
> > manifestations belong to an expression which belongs to a work. This
> is
> > what leads to aggregates neccesarily being works -- you've got a
> > manifestation in front of you which is clearly an aggregate. So the
> > manifestation must be part of a work.
> If you look at the simple Group1 diagram:
> you see that a manifestation can manifest more than one expression. So
> there are two (at least) ways to go:
> 1) consider the aggregate a manifestation and an expression and a
> work; but that doesn't explain why manifestation and expression are
> many-to-many
> 2) consider an aggregate a manifestation of more than one expression,
> and each expression expresses a single work (note the arrows between
> expression and work -- each expression can express only one work).
> It seems to me that the aggregate form (#1 here) completely negates
> the separation between work, expression and manifestation -- we get
> back to traditional cataloging where we've only got one "thing" --
> which is defined by the manifestation. It also means that once again
> just about every publication becomes a separate "thing" and we are
> back to showing our users long lists of bibliographic records for the
> same text. If that's the goal, why did we bother with FRBR in the
> first place? What does it gain us?
> kc
> >
> > Possibly it would be better/more flexible to allow manifestations
> that
> > do not in fact belong to any expression or work; but I'm not sure, it
> > gets confusing to think about.  I think maybe a manifestation
> > neccesarily has to belong to an expression and a work for the model
> to
> > make any sense -- but that doesn't mean the work it belongs to
> actually
> > needs to be _modelled_, it can just be an as-of-yet-un-modelled work,
> > that will be modelled only when/if it is useful to do so.
> >
> > Curious how you are handling this in terms of the model exactly
> though,
> > I'm confused.
> >
> > Riley, Jenn wrote:
> >> Hi Stephen and all,
> >>
> >> We’ve made an intentional decision for the V/FRBR project to not
> >> use the concept of an aggregate work. The many-to-many nature of
> >> Expression to Manifestation for our need adequately models the fact
> >>  that two symphonies were released on the same disc (for example).
> >> For our purposes, there’s no practical (or even semantic in my
> >> opinion) benefit to calling those two symphonies by two different
> >> composers an aggregate Work.
> >>
> >> Like others have commented, I also have reservations about the
> >> aggregate notion in FRBR as a whole. That has fed into the
> >> practical decisions our project has made.
> >>
> >> Jenn
> >>
> >>
> >> On 10/17/10 9:53 PM, "Stephen Hearn" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> For those who argue that FRBR defines aggregates as works, I wonder
> >>  if this is too atomic an approach. If there is an aggregate FRBR
> >> work whose contents are expressed in an aggregate FRBR expression
> >> and embodied in an aggregate FRBR manifestation, couldn't one
> >> reasonably argue that the manifestation is really only the
> >> embodiment of that aggregate work, and is rather a container for
> >> the other, individuated FRBR works that Variations is working with?
> >>  Does Variations enable the description of the single aggregate
> >> FRBR  work that a given manifestation arguably represents?
> >>
> >> For example, a search on "octubafest" identifies two "work results"
> >>  with that word in the title, but they are individual pieces
> >> (Octubafest march and Octubafest polka). Wouldn't FRBR consider the
> >>  aggregation manifested as "Octubafest 1981" and the others like it
> >>  to be works as well?
> >>
> >> That said, I've long considered the notion of aggregates as FRBR
> >> works to be problematic, so I see a lot to admire in the Variations
> >>  approach.
> >>
> >> Stephen
> >>
> >> On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Riley, Jenn <>
> wrote:
> >> Dear Bernard and List,
> >>
> >> My apologies for not responding sooner; I'm impossibly behind in
> >> reading listserv email. Comments below.
> >>
> >>
> >>> Riley, Jenn wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> The Variations/FRBR [1] project at Indiana University has released
> >>>> bulk downloads of metadata for the sound recordings presented in
> our
> >>>> Scherzo [2] music discovery system in a FRBRized XML format.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Before digging into this any further, one question: How is the
> >>> linking between works and expressions effected? On first
> inspection,
> >>> I find nothing in the expression data that would indicate the work.
> >>>
> >>
> >> The XML format that defines this data (our project "efrbr"
> >> definition; more information at
> >>
> <>)
> >> doesn't have the concept of a "record," just "entities" and
> >> "relationships". The XML wrapper can include any combination of
> >> entities and relationships - there's no requirement that it be,
> >> say, Work-centric (show one Work and all the other FRBR entities
> >> with relationships to that Work) or Manifestation-centric (show one
> >>  Manifestation and all the other FRBR entities with relationships
> >> to  that Manifestation), though you could easily use the format for
> >>  either of those purposes. Therefore the big .xml file that has all
> >>  the Expression data doesn't *have* to have relationships between
> >> Expressions and Works to be valid. We simply chose to arbitrarily
> >> break the data into individual XML files by entity and relationship
> >>  type, since there was enough data we knew we had to split it up
> >> somehow to keep the file size to something remotely manageable, so
> >> this seemed logical. It's just the raw data - a system using it
> >> could index and store and update it however it likes. All the
> >> relationships are there, though, spread across all of the files.
> >> Relationships between Works and Expressions can be found in the
> >> file realizedThrough.xml.
> >>
> >>
> >>> I suspect the link to be via the file realizedThrough.xml, because
> >>> between manifestation and expression, there's the file
> embodiedIn.xml
> >>> which seems to be the link between the two. However, I'd have
> expected
> >>> the relationship between E and M to be 1:n, yet it seems to be
> >>> the opposite.
> >>> Can you elaborate on this matter?
> >>>
> >>
> >> You've switched to talking about the relationship between
> >> Expression and Manifestation rather than Expression and Work, so
> >> I'm a bit confused as to what you're asking, but I'll give it a
> >> shot. You're correct that embodiedIn.xml lists relationships
> >> between Expression and Manifestation. (Note "realized through" and
> >> "embodied in" are terms right out of the FRBR report to describe
> >> these relationships.) The relationship between Expression and
> >> Manifestation is n:n (many to many). A given Expression be embodied
> >>  in any number of different Manifestations, and a given
> >> Manifestation may embody any number of different Expressed Works.
> >> In embodiedIn.xml, each element <efrbr:embodiedIn> describes the
> >> relationship between one Expression and one Manifestation. This
> >> statement, however, doesn't mean that's the only Manifestation of
> >> that Expression, or the only Expression that appears on that
> >> Manifestation. Instead, these are just tiny statements of fact. To
> >> find all the Expressions on a given Manifestation (which is only
> >> one of the many questions one might want to ask of this data),
> >> you'd need look for all of the <efrbr:embodiedIn> statements that
> >> have the URI for the Manifestation you care about in the @target
> >> attribute. You can see some of these right at the beginning of the
> >> file:
> >>
> >>     <efrbr:embodiedIn
> >>          source="";
> >>          target=""/>
> >>      <efrbr:embodiedIn
> >>          source="";
> >>          target=""/>
> >>      <efrbr:embodiedIn
> >>          source="";
> >>          target=""/>
> >>      <efrbr:embodiedIn
> >>          source="";
> >>          target=""/>
> >>
> >> To find all the Manifestations a given Expression appears on, you'd
> >>  look in the data for all the <efrbr:embodiedIn> statements that
> >> have the URI of the Expression you care about in the @source
> >> attribute. Basically it's a whole bunch of very atomic data that
> >> can be combined in any way to answer all sorts of different
> >> questions: What Works are by this Person? What Manifestations were
> >> published by publisher X? What Works were performed by Corporate
> >> Body X (i.e., which Works have Expressions that have realized by
> >> relationships to that Corporate Body)? Ad infinitum...
> >>
> >>
> >>> Many thanks,
> >>> B.Eversberg
> >>>
> >>
> >> Hope this helps.
> >>
> >> Jenn
> >>
> >> ========================
> >> Jenn Riley
> >> Metadata Librarian
> >> Digital Library Program
> >> Indiana University - Bloomington
> >> Wells Library W501
> >> (812) 856-5759
> >> <>
> >>
> >> Inquiring Librarian blog:
> >> <>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ========================
> >> Jenn Riley
> >> Metadata Librarian
> >> Digital Library Program
> >> Indiana University - Bloomington
> >> Wells Library W501
> >> (812) 856-5759
> >>
> >>
> >> Inquiring Librarian blog:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> --
> Karen Coyle
> ph: 1-510-540-7596
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

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