Brenndorfer, Thomas wrote:
Throughout the RDA text, the first choice listed for identifying entities or 
showing relationships is to use an identifier (such as a URI). This is followed 
by an authorized access point, and then in some areas, by textual descriptions. 
The reason for this is RDA's objective in supporting three scenarios: catalog 
card production, MARC catalogs that rely on linked headings, and 
object-oriented databases ( What is 
clear though is that access points are a permanent feature of the cataloging 
landscape-- they will always exist and are part of all three scenarios. The 
main difference is that relating entities in the future won't be dependent on 
the form of access points, which is a good idea considering how often they can 
change. For example, headings change with the addition of death dates, or when 
authors request that elements be removed (as I discovered recently for an 
author whose name was attached to many series headings and subject headings).

In addition, the arrangement of RDA into elements that support attributes and 
relationships for entities is the basis of interest in the Linked Data 
community. There is a W3C Incubator Group discussing such issues now, and RDA 
is the game in town in support of these efforts 
( In addition to promoting the use of 
identifiers for specific entities, all RDA elements (and a lot of controlled 
vocabulary) have registered URIs (

100 $q or Fuller Form of Name is a registered element

Thanks for pointing this out, but it still doesn't address the point I was 
trying to make: "we should not pretend to ourselves that changing Elvis 
Presley's or Richard Wagner's authorized form, [or] in other words, changing 
one *textual string* into any other *textual string*, is any kind of a change 
at all. This is the sort of "change" that allows others to make fun of us and 
that gives cataloging and catalogers a bad name.... can anyone maintain with a 
straight face that the form "Presley, Elvis (Elvis Aron), 1935-1977" instead of 
"Presley, Elvis, 1935-1977" will make any kind of substantial and meaningful 
difference for our patrons" 

If the purpose of RDA is to utilize URIs (which at the current rate may happen 
by the year 2050 if we are lucky), what is the purpose of going through the 
*huge task* of changing one textual string to another textual string? This 
makes absolutely no difference to our users (unless somebody out there can 
point to some fairly convincing research), while making an incredible amount of 
completely useless work for catalogers, when we could be doing work that is 
more productive. This is an example of what I have been mentioning of changes 
for "theoretical purposes" instead of "practical purposes". Libraries and 
catalogs are facing some of the most serious challenges they have faced in a 
long, long time, and none of these challenges have anything to do with the 
*text of a heading* or in problems of *cataloging rules*. In other regards, 
such as how people are able to find those headings; what happens after they do 
find a heading, and so on, innovating in these areas would be the types of 
changes that could matter to our users, but yet we concentrate on the forms 

Even if we were to change the forms, we should aim in the directions that our 
users would like. I think we have some excellent evidence for their preferences 
in the disambiguation pages of Wikipedia--built by the users themselves, e.g. or or, where the distinguishing 
factor isn't so reliant on dates, but on descriptive terms, e.g. for war:
Write after read, a data hazard
WAR (Sun file format) (Web application ARchive), a file format used to package 
Java applications
KDE WAR (file format) (Web ARchive), a file format for storing a web page
early versions of Decwar, a pioneering multi-user computer game

I also prefer these types of forms, but they are not the directions RDA is 
leading us. 

I think it's time (and has been for quite awhile) for libraries and the 
catalogs to make some kind of big splash; to do something that will make people 
(i.e. our users) sit up and take notice. We have to do something that will make 
a difference to them. Many other organizations out there are focusing on making 
these big splashes right now, as we discuss. RDA has a few distant, 
theoretical, vague goals that are disputed in themselves, but we still should 
not delude ourselves that any of the changes they posit will make any 
difference to our users. If, by some miracle, URIs were actually implemented in 
our records within a mere 10 years or so (which would be the equivalent of 
light speed), I am sure that our users will have moved beyond them. We cannot 
continually be in the process of playing catch up and forever being behind.

James L. Weinheimer
Director of Library and Information Services
The American University of Rome
Rome, Italy
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