Quoting "J. McRee Elrod" <m...@slc.bc.ca>:

Increasingly library catalogues are being consulted on hand held
electronic devices, with very limited display space.

If our data were appropriately coded, rather than being text, the display could be changed based on the device. (And, yes, there is a way to tell the site that you are coming in on a mobile/small screen device.) As long as we store text strings we will keep having this problem.

Data, rather than text, should even involve less keying on the part of catalogers. If there is a field for "number of pages", you only key in "357" not "357 p." or "357 pages". You should never have to key something that is in a controlled vocabulary -- those should be check boxes or drop-downs. And don't get me started on punctuation.

Really, folks, it's almost 2011.


Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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