Mac Elrod wrote:

> John Myers said:
> >RDA would be our equivalent to force us to recast our
> >coding for upgrading to 21st century systems and needs.
> But shouldn't that coding horse preceed that rule cart?  Why adopt
> rules we can't code?

My guess is that since we need *both* the new horse *and* the new cart, we
have to start with at least one of them.  If we design the cart, then we'll
know more what kind of horse we'll need to breed...  (In other words, if we
don't know exactly the kind of data we're going to collect, and how we want
to use the data, then we won't know exactly how to encode the data.)

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
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Evanston, IL  60208-2300
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