2011/3/7 Shorten, Jay <jshor...@ou.edu>:
> OCLC #646122824 Hungarian Americans in the current of history has as a 490
> 1_ East European monographs ; ‡v DCCLXVI    .
> I presume this is done because of RDA rule 1.8.2, and the alternative chosen
> by LC which indicates we record the form of the numeral that appears on the
> piece, whether Arabic or Roman, rather than the basic rule which says to
> record the numeral in the form preferred by the cataloguing agency or the
> other alternative which says to restate the number in Arabic.
> If the item also had a series statement in the book that used “766”, which
> form would we transcribe in the 490?

Off the top of my head, I might use the guidelines on selecting
preferred sources of information found at 2.2.2 as a kind of
unofficial ranking list for a particular format.  I'd prefer more
permanent parts of the resource over something disposable (e.g., text
block versus dust jacket).  Providing a note on the source of the
series statement is another thing I'd do, although there's no specific
or general rule in RDA on giving this information as far as I know
(i.e., no "Details Relating to Series Statements" rule under 2.20.11).

Mark K. Ehlert                 Minitex
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