Jay Shorten said on Autocat: 

>OCLC 670190952 (no LC number), has 260c 2010, (c)2010.  Is it really
>necessary to code this in the fixed fields as t 2010 2010? Wouldn't s
>2010 be better?

In RDA publication date is a core element, but copyright date is not.  
I expect to see more [2011], (c)2011 when the item has only copyright
date.  A subfield code is needed for copyright date.

I would code 008 s with a single date.

>Also, shouldn't the 300 end in a period?

Under RDA ISBD practice, only when a 490 follows.  We are still using
the ISBD fiction that the ending mark of punctuation *introduces* the
next field.  As OPAC displays more and more deconstruct the ISBD
display, it is time to abandon this fiction, and standardize ending
punctuation of RDA elements and MARC fields.  Field 246 needs one for
example, to agree with 730/740, and to have a period on notes created
by 246.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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